Spiritistic Christianity.



1) Christian-Spiritual.

a) The timeless thought of Jesus, registered in the Four Synoptic Gospels, excluding, for this preceptive purpose, all the “Old Testament”, as well as the remainder of the New Testament, such as the biblical books: “Acts of the Apostles”, “Revelation” and the “Epistles”, – although we consider them as material of study, in the inter-cultural field (see Pillar 7).

b) Avoiding dogmatic and contradictive literalism, we strive to interpret the classic Gospels close to the lens of the Spirit of Truth that Jesus Was and Is:

c) taking as reference fraternity and solidarity among individuals and peoples,

d) through the Christian paradigm of fighting prejudices of any nature and all forms of hypocrisy and pretention of superiority over others; thus, asserting the respect to minorities and/or discriminated social groups, with the fundamental purpose of seeking the Truth:

- personal truth: the individual and circumstantial divine, according to one’s level of understanding, therefore accessible to anyone who seeks it, albeit in a continuous process of adjustment to the conditions of perception and feeling of each one, always in the process of evolution,

- and Transcendent truth: the Absolute and Eternal Divinity, an unattainable Ideal in the human condition, although indispensable, because it represents the deepest need of the human Spirit (after we’ve reached the angelical level, the subsequent evolutionary level to humans, we will complete this deed).

e) This infinite journey in pursuit of Truth is realized through listening to our own consciousness,

f) with the progressive sieve of self-knowledge, which favors to distinguish more clearly what is, in fact, the voice of conscience, that is often mistaken by conventional moralisms or cultural hypnoses.

g) We consider, finally, for the study of such deep texts, the essential premise of multiplicity of symbolic meanings and the plurality of angles of observation, which we bundle in two large groups:

- the intrapsychic exegeses, of spiritual and psychological nature,

- and those of historical and sociological character.

2) Philosophic.

a) The evolution of culture, human psyche and customs (as it occurs in biological ambit of species)

b) enhanced by the interaction with personalities more developed in intelligence and feelings, from high spheres of consciousness, through the various manifestations of mediumship,

c) according to the conceptual and methodological parameters proposed by Allan Kardec, in two of his published works: “The Spirits’ Book” and “The Mediums’ Book”,

d) and the cosmovision unveiled by Chico Xavier’s work, especially the collection known as “Life in the Spiritual World” authored by the Spirit André Luiz

3) Scientific.

a) Respect to all disciplines of the sciences, with the assimilation of their advancements backed by serious research and publications,

b) especially the elucidations from the frontiers of Science, such as the Neurosciences, Quantum Physics, Thanatology and the reports on Near Death Experiences, non-materialist Parapsychology, Ethnology and the studies about psychic and shamanic phenomenology of all time,

c) applying the pragmatic and rational approach of scientific thinking to the issues of everyday life, with the focus on happiness, understood as a result of intelligently and orderly attending to the multiple layers or layers of the human needs (basically: physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual), related to the plurality of dimensions of the being (aspect significantly concerning the Pillars 1, 5 and 7).

4) Artistic.

a) What cannot be captured by the rational-analytical means is intuited and visualized in the contact with the complex and diffuse depths of human mind, through the channels of the artistic view,

b) mainly literature, with the insights of the great writers, poets or narrators of genius that strives to create linguistic sketches of the ineffable,

c) and, more particularly, cinema, considered the most complete form of art (because it integrates in itself all the other artistic manifestations), besides being the most popular and accessible to common understanding.
(Although normally understood as Scientific Subjects, the following fields of knowledge and perception, relatively distinct from the previous ones, stand out for their epistemological relevance, in the condition of Pillars of our School of Thought:)

5) Psychological.

a) The study of the human mind and human behavio r, to foster the elucidation of the inextricable complexity of the psyche and its reflections on the attitude,

b) based on the studies of great authors of the psychological, psychoanalytical and psychiatric areas,

c) as well as based on the discoveries and researches of the past (those that remain validated by time) and of the present , in a general way,

d) especially Transpersonal Psychology and PLT (Past Life Therapy) or PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy ),

e) and a quite significant ballast consisting of the Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung.

6) Journalistic.

a) Interdisciplinary and plural approach,

b) based on the principles of democracy, citizenship and individual freedoms ,

c) guaranteed by the legal and institutional achievements of the civilized nations of the Western and, more recently, Eastern.

7) Anthropologic-Historic.

a) The interculturalism and the respect to all civilizatory movements, their traditions and lines of thought, regardless of the country or time they come from,

b) with the purpose of bringing color and illustrations to our way of thinking, with a variety of perspectives, adopting a multifaceted prism of observation that will broaden the way we see the world, life and the human being.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar and Spiritual Friends,
Aracaju, February 22nd, 2013.

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