On the trail of Good

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the spirit Brother Lucas

Return to your activities, of solidary effort, from the point where you left them unfinished. It is always time to start over.

It does not matter your age, physical or economic conditions, culture or emotional temperament and spiritual values already conquered, give of yourself what is within your reach, even though it seems too little, insufficient, or almost shameful to offer.

Offer your portion of mercy, charity or fraternal service (as you wish to call it), but voluntarily do something for you neighbor, every day, be it in the warmth of home, or in the workplace or in the solemn circumstances of social life.

If you abandoned agreed upon obligations, return to them, in the exercise of the humility you ought to unfold; or else, start another work, so you can pay your debt to the people, to your own conscience and to the Creator.

If you have a long-cherished project of love in your chest, don’t be immature, vain and lazy to wait for ideal situations.

Start with what you can, even alone and without financial resources, and the Lord/Lady noticing the sincerity of your purposes (which reveals itself precisely in the humility of starting small, at first), as well as observing your determination to persist under any circumstances (the second level of analysis), will bring you help, means and inspiration necessary to the evolution of the task of Good that has been entrusted to you.

In short: translate into acts your faith, by helping others, starting with those closest to you, and, that way, you will be able to feel you are really on the trail to the “Kingdom of Heaven”, treading it yard by yard, over the years, decades, centuries…

(Message received on January 24, 2011.)

(Translated by Iris Souza – Revised by Marcone Vieira)

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