Teenage Sex with Parents’ Sponsorship and Polemics in the Spiritual Realm (*).

 (Spirit Eugenia) – If you pay attention, one issue remained unfinished yesterday.


 (Benjamin Teixeira) – Really? What?


 (SE) – The parents’ freedom to forbid their teenage children to have sex at home.


 (BT) – Ah… Interesting. I thought you had exposed a universal concept. Do you want to talk about it?


 (SE) – Yes. Nothing should be generalised, as common sense attests. Even at this time of great complexities, in which controversies have become more heated and differences are always to be respected, we cannot standardize behaviours and proclaim universal rules. However, as many of our readers consider our opinions with a tendency to understand them as being the manifestation of a divine oracle – what, despite the kindness of such a view about us, we are obligated to say that this is not a fact –, we come here to make it well clear that everyone can, if disagreeing with the point of view that we presented, follow with ease what their consciousness requires, even because, according to each case, even universal rules must suffer fair adaptations, so that they become suitable to particular situations.


 (BT) – It is very generous and wise on your part to say this, Eugênia.


 (SE) – Some parents got confused when reading our previous text-dialogue, and because of that we clearly express here that this is opinionated speech. If using their common sense, their conscience, their intuition, and by following their principles, our dear readers agree with the ideas we presented, great: apply them. But, if that’s not so, please, forget about our proposition. It’s better to follow one’s own conscience, making a mistake, than going against it, follow someone else, regardless of how distinguished they intend to be or seem to be.


 (BT) – Even if the person is wrong?


 (SE) – Yes. Because, in this case, they will be following a karmic course necessary for their learning, and thus, ultimately or in a deeper level of observation, it will – paradoxically – be right to follow that path, for it provides them with evolution and maturation of conscience, that allows them to realize, on their own, the wrong path they have taken.


(BT) – Fair enough, Eugênia. But people assume that spiritual guides cannot bring dubious or questionable information.


(SE) – Everything must be questioned. God bestowed intelligence and critical sense upon human creatures, to be used. And we should consider that: (1) there are those who deem themselves God’s representatives, but in truth, frequently they are not – deceivers from the physical and extra-physical dimensions of life, they delight themselves with the power that such position grants them, over the good faith of people of good character –; (2) quite often, what is said by legitimate representatives is misinterpreted, and the history of religion is full of examples of this nature; (3) finally, even the representatives of Divinity are can make mistakes – we must not forget that only the Creator is infallible. Although driven by the best intentions, one can present an inadequate value judgment, or apply a fair principle, but in an untimely occasion, just as the doctor who makes a wrong diagnosis for an illness and prescribes an improper medicine, or, even if he is right about the diagnosis and the nature of the drug to be administered, he makes a mistake in prescribing dose – in both cases, there may be the death of the patient or serious consequences for their health.


 (BT) – Are you saying that spiritual guides make mistakes?


 (SE) – For the human level of understanding on Earth, no, for we are aligned with Centres of Intelligence above us that never make mistakes. We make mistakes, indeed, in our level of expression, but this cannot be understood in the physical plane, for now. In spite of that though, note how many inappropriate applications of our suggestions can be made by those who read us and how many distortions of what we intended to say occur, continually, on the part of the interpreting minds, the mediums. Therefore, it is never too much to warn everyone to always follow the principles of common sense and their own intuition, so that they do not incur into deviations or serious carelessness.


 (BT) – Excellent, Eugenia. Anything else to say?


 (SE) – No, satisfied.



Dialogue held on April 2, 2004.


 (*)Eugenia continues the mediumistic dialogue titled “Teenage Sex at Home and Family Discipline”, due to the seriousness of the subject and the possibility of generating a crisis of values in some parents, because of the controversial ideas presented by the spiritual guide.


 Medium’s note.

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