Search for the Self

(Spirit Eugenia ) – I would like to use Emmerson’s slogan: “I must be myself” (*), for our study today.

(Benjamin Teixeira) – What would you have to say to us about this, Eugênia?

(SE) – That one’s Self is not what people assume to be, in a first exam, and that, therefore, you must strive to not mistake it by your wishes and needs, your cultural programming and neurosis, your fixations or participation in collective addictions.

(BT) – In short, the average citizen does not know what is to be themselves.

(SE) – Precisely. Generally speaking, when someone says that they want to be hemselves, they are referring to values internalized from family, society or the specific professional, religious or political group they belong to.

(BT) – What can we do to perform a filtration of these mental vectors in order to find our true nature?

(SE) – Start with the principle that the Self’s pure essence is unreachable at the human level of consciousness and that always, at some level (usually in several), exists huge influences of the milieu and the education on how to think and feel the world, so that the best way to begin to reduce their power of influence over yourself is by realizing their presence and the power they have over one’s own personality. Most people suffer from the great illusion of believing that they would be the same, that they would have the same ideas and projects in life if they were in the nineteenth or eighteenth century, or if they had been born in another country or another family. Even when someone differs from the vectors of consciousness and ideas in an environment, they may have their identity defined precisely through the reaction and interaction with these external mental factors, thereby constituting their identity from the impulses of counter-dependence, which are nevertheless dependent, in a deep level. The human being is his circumstance, much more than he thinks. Anonymous thoughts, the value judgments of myriad of people they came across with, personally or through reading or mass communication, the press, the dominant culture and various counter-reactive cultural factions, will favour the shaping and idiosyncratic construction of personality that no one perceives in all its dimension. Only exceptional individual (really exceptional ones, great geniuses and saints, revolutionaries of human thought) can sustain a certain autonomy of conscience, amid concepts, values, costumes and assumptions of truth of a given time and place.


(BT) – What should we do to be ourselves?

(SE) – First, as I said, to know ourselves in depth. People, besides all psychic programing incorporated in this incarnation, are influenced by those that were integrated to them in past incarnations and during their long evolutionary past, in the animal condition. Hence, bestial and neurotic impulses predominate massively in the average human psyche on Earth, without the creature realizes how much, since that almost all the time, you rationalize your desires and impulses, because of a psychological automatism of the ego, giving them a civilized envelop that hides the real purposes, the dark and primitive background that moves most of human beings of our planet.

(BT) – Are you then saying that humankind is made up mostly of people concerned with evil?

(SE) – I said “dark and primitive background” that moves most of human beings, to reveal that there is little high and noble ideal, there is little impulse to transcendence in the average human being on Earth. But this does not imply that they are hideous, malevolent and sinister. But rude and selfish, frivolous and childish in its overwhelming majority and not exactly evil and unconscious, as many think.

(BT) – Right. How then to distil our primitive souls a little, so that we reach higher levels of consciousness?

(SE) – May each one seeks to accentuate all traits of personality and character that relate to higher levels of consciousness, such as: altruism, devotion and dedication to humanitarian causes, spiritual devotion to God and those Spiritual Figures that represent Him/Her (like Jesus), the sincere pursuit of knowledge and wisdom (without a hidden aim of having supremacy over others), etc. No one decide to detach oneself, definitely and dramatically, from mental and moral vectors of primitivism in their soul, because instead of succeeding in their goal, they will seriously fall ill, gradually going mad, as this intent is completely unviable. Only through a gradual effort of inner transformation, someone can, slowly, detach themselves from the titanic tentacles of the animal past, and safely move toward the realm of angels. Truly working in self-improvement, making sensible and sustainable adjustments, without exaggerated and utopic expectations, is a good way to ascend spiritually.

(BT) – Anything else to say about this?

(SE) – May one think more in service than in contemplation. There are people who want to get spiritualised, based on the focus of egoism on the things of the spirit. It is a non-sense. One grows in the spirit, through the exercise of the spirit, which is love, giving, service, devotion of oneself to the good of others. Whoever takes too mystical, metaphysical or self-centred paths, will end up getting involved also in too many illusions and, as a result, hinder what they seek most: the introduction of their own consciousness into higher or more complex or subtler levels of expression.


 (Mediumistic dialogue held on February 22, 2004.)

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