Homosexuality (*1)

(Benjamin Teixeira) – Eugênia, a national magazine published a report this week on homosexuals and their great dramas and difficulties in assuming and living, socially, their structure of psychosexual orientation. Would you have anything to say about this matter?

(Spirit Eugenia) – Yes, that the future of humanity reserves full citizenship for the homosexual segment of society; that prejudice, discrimination and all forms of marginalization practiced today are signs of primitivism and unconsciousness which will be completely overcome in a near future.


 (BT) – What do mean by near?

(SE) – 100 or 200 years. Within two centuries, homosexuals will suffer discrimination similar to those suffered by women today: mild, disguised, but bearable.


 (BT) – This prediction will seem horrible for a lot of people.

 (SE) – Yes, I know. But it is a fact. Do not think that millennia of cultural resistance will yield so easily. Let’s remember that there are pockets of cultural anachronism, like the Middle East, where today’s achievements, considered poor by the gay community, in developing countries like Brazil, will take many decades to be established over there.


 (BT) – There are still those who believe the Higher Plane could never stand in favour of homosexual practices or same-sex marriage. What would you say about that?

 (SE) – By considering themselves spiritists, they should study and update themselves a little more. Spiritism is at first, science, as stipulated by the codifier himself. Allan Kardec has even asserted that if any postulate of the “doctrine”, as he used to call the fabulous spiritist system of thought, come into conflict with the discoveries presented by Science, it should be summarily abandoned and replaced by the new scientific knowledge then contradicted. The entire community of psychiatrists and psychologists is unanimous in stating today that homosexuality is neither a disease nor it constitutes a character’s disorder. Even the World Health Organization acknowledges such fact. Those spiritists who stand against homosexual practice should therefore be treated, within their community, with the same severity that Brazilian psychologists are when they intend to “treat” (read it: “cure”) a homosexual: they have revoked their authorization to perform their practice, by the Federal Council of Psychology.



(BT) – Other religious people, nonetheless, fight homosexual practices even more severely, basing themselves in passages from the Bible, mainly in the words of St. Paul, to endorse their assertions. What would you say to these people?

 (SE) – That they point out where Jesus, anywhere in his Gospel, has put Himself against homosexual practices. Christ never showed himself to be very fond of social conventions and always called against the hypocrisy of the Jewish pharisaism. As for St. Paul, since that they quote his passage condemning homosexuals, they could also follow his recommendation that women should be silent in the churches, for any practice of Gospel teaching, and that they should also keep themselves obedient to men, since they were in second order of importance in the divine creation in relation to their male counterparts. (see I Timothy 2:11-13; and I Corinth 11:7-9). Despite the absurdity this sounds in today’s times, such precept was understandable in that primitive time, when the “Apostle of Gentiles” preached the Gospel. Not understandable would be if this idea was adopted in the churches today, and, in fact, the majority of religious institutions are in accordance with what we say (even though the Catholic church still currently has a great deal of restrictions to the female sex). The same should be regarded with respect to St. Paul’s concept on homosexuality. Jesus was surrounded by “holy women”, in the very Gospel language, and he used to give clear signs to have them as better followers of his ideas than the men of that atavistic time (it seems that this difference between genders, for matters of spirituality, hasn’t very much changed yet), they were the only ones who did not leave Him at the time of the crucifixion ordeal, except John, so sweet boy, who, when speaking with Jesus in the “Last Supper” (*2), lays his head on the chest of the Master. And yet, instead of reproach him for his candidness, Jesus had him as the “most beloved” Apostle, as stated in the biblical text.


 (BT) – Eugênia, you want to cause me trouble. This insinuation about St. John’s sexuality will create more difficulties than those I have already been facing with the polemic theses that I defend at your request and your pleiad of spiritual friends.

 (SE) – I can assure you that John is not bothered. He is rather happy because his holy example serves to free a huge part of human kind, more than 600 million souls who live on the margin of society, suffering innumerable psychological tortures for the heterosexual majority (approximately 90% of the population) (*3). As for you, I do not worry. You know that we are not communicating with the Earth to please isolated groups, but to educate everyone for the grand future of a fair and informed humanity, where there is no more room for marginalization or attacks on minorities’ rights. The mere fact that a shock is caused by the idea that a holy and consecrated soul has been homosexual clearly reveals the extent of prejudice that traverses human minds and societies around the subject.


 (BT) – You are terrible with me, Eugenia!

(SE) – I believe there is no space for joking in such a serious matter! We, from the Extra-physical Dimension of Life, have followed the unspeakable drama of desperate homosexuals, especially in their teens, committing or attempting suicide (*4), going crazy with pain, shame, humiliation and sadness, getting themselves involved with drugs and even crime, for not finding space within societies. An invaluable human waste, in the course of centuries and centuries, of at least one tenth of all communities on Earth. Can you picture the extension of this? The systematic psychological torture and unabated, the social jettison of numerous masses of people, condemned to live in ghettos or in the seclusion of their silence and solitude, just because certain social assumptions were not met?… I say, vehemently, to all religious people, who assume to be fulfilling a role of disciplining multitudes with their unconscious and retrograde preachments: the Higher Spirituality and the Angels in Heaven, if we can say it that way, above us, abhor your homophobic conduct, and warn you that any pain you have foisted to such people, already tormented by their own conflicts, will return to you as a heavy karmic debt.

                Impossible to count how many times we, humanity’s Spiritual Guides, have to come in hast, to dry out the tears of millions of homosexuals, every night, in the silence of their bedrooms, bewildered with guilt, anger and despair, only for being what they are. Impracticable to amount the number of those who, for not finding room within societies for a balanced and civilized manifestation and experience of their sexuality, drift into a compulsive promiscuity, on one hand, or a forced heterosexual marriage, on the other, both desperate and mistaken attitudes, which generates a chain of suffering for countless other people. Best be treated as physically or mentally disabled, instead of denying them the least respect and consideration as human beings, by mocking their deepest and most maddening sufferings. We have lost count of how many times we needed to take extraordinary measures to stop the suicidal impulse and all practices and outbreaks of total and endless angst of our dear incarnated protégées, who burst of pain every day; they are so massacred in their self-esteem, that they feel, because treated as social outcasts, like a hidden and stigmatized sub-race, amid a callous elite, mostly heterosexual… Woe to those who pour boiling oil onto already open and long-lasting painful wounds!… Woe to those, because they will not relish on mercy, just like they awfully deny it to their brothers and sisters most devoid of affection, the outcasts of today, in the rung of homosexuality… Woe unto them, because we move out of their ways, letting them to drift into the murderous rampage of evil forces, agents of destruction and decadence, who surround the steps of the heedless, to meddle in their lives and ruin them.


 (BT) – Anything else to say about the subject, Eugenia?

(SE) – I would ask everyone to listen to their own consciousness and remember that next time they make a bad taste comment, just for fun, about gays and lesbian, they may be hurting those close to them, perhaps someone very dear… and long-suffering person, perhaps at the end of their tether, smiling outside but crying inside… who knows, a companion friend, a brother, a mother, a father, a son or even your own psychological shadow, still in the closet, fighting to free itself from the depths of your unconscious, unsuccessfully, tormented by the devil of its own prejudice!…

                And to you, my dear homosexual children, my blessing and my peace, on behalf of the Angelic Forces that I represent, exhorting you to love even stronger and firmly, the way your heart asks from you, assured that those who love till the end will be saved and that the love you show for yourselves, the respect for who you are, as God made you or allowed you to be, in the present incarnation, not matter for what reason, is the philosopher’s stone of love, ‘latu sensu’, on which one can erect, with balance and psychological health, all other forms of love, from the genuine friendship to the spectacular sacrifice of the saints.

You, today, my dear friends, tormented by so many unprovoked attacks and misunderstandings, are one of the main groups of martyrs of modern times. There were a time in which prophets (and apostles), Christians and women were oppressed by centuries and centuries. Now, spiritists, mediums and gays are too, for different reasons. May you keep your chant of love, like the martyrs in the Roman circus, undaunted before hungry beasts, tearing the flesh from their bodies. May you too, on your part, keep it aloud your anthem of freedom and love, braving courageously, the beasts of prejudice and anachronism, while the flesh of your soul is torn apart by human wickedness and maliciousness, and rest assure that, from High up Spiritual Planes, inaccessible to common sense, chorus of Angels follow you, maintaining your strength and your moral, until the final victory of good, justice, truth and love… when a new age will arise on Earth and no one will ever be persecuted for being black, woman, gay or for following a minority religion, but instead, there will be space for everyone, without borders, in a world so big and warming, like the heart of all mothers, as Mother is God… womb of Hers that is the whole universe… where there must only be love, unity and peace…

 (Mediumistic dialogue held on June 22, 2003.)


(*1) So beautiful and moving, as ardent and eschatological have Eugênia’s words been registered in this dialogue, that it seems to me the most well-wrought manifest in defence of homosexuals that I have ever had the chance to know, and it could well appear as a universal panegyric of support to one of the most extensive and long-suffering communities on Earth, universally oppressed for centuries, even in today’s times.

                                Like a loving mother who, by seeing her frail child being unfairly attacked, becomes brave and strong to defend her vulnerable offspring, Eugênia surprises in the answers to some questions I asked about such delicate subject. With a deep and concerned look, as if remembering thousands of dearest protected by her, and a paced voice, as well as heavily prophetical, precisely at the most dramatic points of her speech, our kind Spiritual Guide showed, from the heights of her wisdom and wholeness, to be a whole individual who knows how to imprint energy and rigor at right and necessary moments, making the just defence of those defenceless. A loving, as well as a powerful Mother, showing herself ruthless with hypocritical and prejudicial people, who attack these already long-suffered homosexuals, Eugênia placed herself in front of them, against their foolish aggressors, cradling them under her wings of angel, holding the sword of mystical and living verve, like a great mythological and magnificent warrior from the Heavens, sent directly by God to defend the forsaken… Woe to those who dare to defy the Mothers of Heaven… the Power of God is with Them…

I see our homosexual brothers and sisters with tears in their eyes while reading this. Cry dear friends, your tears of relief and comfort: you are not alone – the Angels in Heaven watch over all of you, but greatly over those who are mostly oppressed (!), especially those who suffer oppression for loving and not being able to express their love!… the love that dare not speaks its name, as brilliantly said by the British playwright Oscar Wilde… a Love that, no matter which one, is God in expression and movement, as asserted by all spiritual masters and luminaries of humankind, of all times and cultures, including Our Lord Jesus Himself!…


 (*2) Which preceded “Good Friday”.

 (*3) Most conservative statistics, as the one resulting from the renowned Kinsey’s Report, from 1948, point out to this percentage of human population as being gay: 10%. As the global demographics indicate 6 billion people in our globe today, an estimative of 600 million homosexuals, made by Eugênia, is not only right, as also modest.

 (*4) A recent study revealed that 1/3 of homosexuals attempt suicide in their teens. I didn’t say they “think” about suicide, I stated: they ATTEMPT to commit suicide, which gives us an idea of the despair of gay people, for not seeing themselves with any condition of citizenship and dignity among communities, hurt by their own cherished family, usually since birth.


 (Notes of the Medium)


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