Spiritual guide of humankind

Spiritual guide of humankind

The “anima”, the feminine in the human soul, is the archetype that leads to the psychological integration, the inspirer of the individuation process, in men as in women. The Feminine is the Spiritual Guide of Humankind.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Dr. Demétrius

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Almost no scum

Almost no Scum

There is much less female than male prison population. Heinous crimes are committed by men in significantly larger number. Almost all Genocial criminals in History were men. Nothing to add.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Roberto Daniel

Part of “Woman” Read in full at: schoolofhappiness.net


Fundamental Chromosome

Fundamental chromosome

The woman is chromosomally XX; man, XY. The common basis of humanity is the X – the element that, duplicated, generates a woman. Therefore, it is the feminine that best characterizes humanity.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Dr. Temistocles

Part of “Woman” Read in full at: [...]

The best of the Human Being


The best of the Human Being

Women are more intuitive, sensitive, dedicated to family and friends, more responsible with professional or religious ideals, more careful with Nature.

The best of the human being, therefore.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Gustavo Henrique



Part of “Woman” [...]

Basis of life.


Basis of life.

The woman and the feminine constitute the factor of congregation, harmony and creation in human nature and society, while the masculine represents the aggressive-accomplisher. The Feminine is the basis of Life.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Matheus-Anacleto

Part of “Woman” [...]