The Voice of Truth

A maxim of the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia – 4.


Christmas is a celebration of the Christ-baby, in the heart of each one of us. A symbolic date so that we give ourselves the greatest gift possible: to give birth, in our heart, to the Voice of Truth and take care of It and develop [...]

The truth of the soul

The truth of the soul

Through the studying of your mental state, you will have clear clues as to what you should do for your happiness. There is always the moment when the obvious becomes more obvious and you realize that you always had the answers very close, for everything that you wanted, [...]

Steps to the truth

Steps to the truth

Pursue the totality. Do not exclude: include. Everything that is not complete is sick. Only the balance of the whole portrays the soul of the individual. Look for your axis, respecting all levels of your own self, without prejudgments, and become the whole that you are.

Avoid prejudices. [...]

Comforting fundamental truth

Comforting fundamental truth

(Everything, truly everything is right.)

You should never forget the fundamental words of the great sages of the human past:

“Everything is fundamentally right”, “nothing is out of place”; and, finally, understand that, in this Universe where all things are irrevocably interconnected, the Divine Providence not rarely [...]

The power of the sentiment’s voice.

The power of sentiment’s voice.

Do not impressed by the sophistries of philosophy or by the riddles of science. Be marveled only by the voice of the ideal, of the fulfilled duty, of the conscience, of the sentiment. The world would collapse in an [...]