The greatest danger of the world… and the greatest Gift of Life!…

The greatest danger of the world… and the greatest Gift of Life!…

Psychopathy and prejudice embody the Evil… from which come all evils, no matter if they are camouflaged, in a sophisticated manner, with false religious concepts, with current conventions or even with secular traditions…

Love and inclusion reflect the Good… from [...]

Pathways to Life (banner 1)

Pathways to life (banner 1)


Develop and encourage the bonds of fraternity and good will. Start and sustain the impulse of generous retribution and of multiplication of the blessings received for the benefit of many. Promote and nurture the psychological and moral energy of persisting in joy and service [...]

The observation and action of Heaven in people’s life

The observation and action of Heaven in people’s life

Heaven smiles with the pure ones…

It gets sad with the weak…

It is moved by the heroes of virtue…

It mobilizes to the aid of anyone who helps their fellow human beings.

In contrast, the Communities of [...]

Death and life

Death and life


Death is an awakening to life. And the physical death is only one of many forms of change and detachment, essential to the development of the human being.

True spirituality is a scandal for conventional religious people. Death of the status quo.

Legitimate transparency is repulsive to the honesty of convenience. [...]

Taking an effective turn in your Life.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

Yes, indeed sudden changes exist. They are complex and require time to prepare, yet they happen. The History of the great figures of humanity, like that of the human race present plenty examples of them.

And, to ease your participation in this curious phenomenon (who [...]