Infinite possibilities

Infinite possibilities

Let’s look at the starry sky: it gives us news about the infinite possibilities of solution, in the universe of God’s Infinite Goodness. Let’s act with serenity and responsibility — the Divinity will do the rest.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

May 29, [...]

Praise to the Infinite Mercy of God

Praise to the Infinite Mercy of God


The night was sprinkled with stars, the sky fully visible, cloudless.

Close to midnight, Cibele and I, united in a prayer — this time, accompanied by a few more ladies from our realm of existence —, we noticed the Sacred Figure of Our Greater MOTHER forming. [...]

The Infinite Goodness of God

The Infinite Goodness of God Visit of the Spiritual Mother of Humanity – 06

The sacrosanct Figure of Holy Mary was outlined, without making Itself fully clear, and, engulfing us in Her sacred spiritual graces, resonated Her Voice in our hearts, three times in a row, as mantra that echoed in our [...]