Going to Heaven.

Going to Heaven.


“Do you want to get close to Heaven?

Give. Give materially. Give of yourself.

Give without expecting anything in return. Give for the pleasure of giving.

And, as time passes by… a Wellspring of Divine Blessings will arise into your heart, spreading blessings in all directions, turning yourself into [...]

Will you go to Heaven?



Rest assured, that if you are and spread Heaven wherever you go, you are already in tune with the Angels of God, who support you in the task of the good that motivates your march and your presence on Earth. And, of course, when you become free from your body of fesh [...]

Heaven full of women

Heaven full of women

When incarnated, I said unhappy things about women. Today I see that I projected the negative side of my masculine nature on them. I regret it because I know now that Heaven, on Earth, is full of women.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit [...]

Identifying an Envoy from Heaven

“When Jesus had called the Twelve together, He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases.” (Luke, 9:1)


Spiritual Government

“Jesus affirmed: ‘My Kingdom is not of this world.’ There are governments in the physical domain and their representatives, but only one Spiritual Government and its [...]