Omens and the unpredictability of life

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Celebrities who attack fans

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Paranormality and procrastination

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Oppression of the female sexuality

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Spiritual awakening and relational crises

Relationships should not imply attachment, despite the interdependence between creatures being inexorable and constituting, if lived correctly, a very healthy experience.

If someone does not reciprocate the affection you devote to them, it is always time to consider transferring your feelings to someone else, with whom you can establish a relationship based on a minimum of psychological balance and spiritual harmony.

It is undeniable that this rule does not apply to all human relationships. There are sacred interpersonal commitments, such as those of parenthood, especially with children and adolescents, which do not tolerate ruptures or wide fluctuations, regardless of how the child or adolescent behaves. It is an irrevocable duty, based on three powerful pillars of obligation: instinctual, legal and spiritual.

However, whether in the universe of blood ties or outside biological kinship, many games of poorly concealed manipulation stall, if not pervert, connections that could originally be sincere and supportive.

It is important to consider, in this field of reflections, that no process of authentic awakening takes place without old affections fading or even ending, as new family bonds of the spirit emerge.

This reality, which frightens less mature psyches, is a natural phenomenon, resulting from changes in values, interests and life purposes, which inevitably alter affinity combinations and, consequently, circles of friendship, companionship and intimacy.

However, the experience, which at first is fraught with conflict and suffering, gradually turns into a path of happy compensations.

It is worth remembering the principle expressed by the Christ-Verb Jesus: “There is no one who abandons mother, father, brothers and sisters, fields, in My Name, who will not receive a hundred times more in this life and, in the next one, Eternal Life”¹.

The core of the Christic lesson lies in the expression “in My Name”. The more an individual commit themselves deeply and truly to the ideal indicated by their conscience – even if it goes against social conventions, the expectations of others and personal whims –, the more they will notice lines of events and existential panoramas that compensate for the initial sacrifices of their spiritual search journey.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
January 17th, 2024

1. Mark 10:29-30.