The Relational Paradigms of the Child, the Adult and the Angel

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by Spirit Temistocles

The child asks for, demands and complains. Does not give. Cries, kicks, screams.

The adult gives, and after that demands retribution. Does not cry: argues, negotiates, and not getting what he wants, breaks the exchange relationship up, to establish, elsewhere, with others, [...]

Your eyes

Your eyes

Your eyes — your soul, your energy, your thoughts and feelings, in short… your assigned destiny…

Put heart in them, so that ego and evil do not cover the vacuum and bring you experiences that demand from you more arduous defenses, or that bring you a greater quota of disasters. [...]


(Benjamin) – Temistocles, what is to fall in Love? People seek this experience so much, either as an equivalent to happiness or as a symbol of the greatest human achievement.

(Temistocles) – Falling in love, in the sense of feeling intensely attracted to someone, is a neurophysiologic [...]




Why can unproductiveness happen (in external-operational terms) in more creative periods? Visualize a computer that was given a “heavy” task to process: it slows down until the task is completed, very little available for other functions. And a pregnant woman? Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the mobility, physical disposition and even moods can [...]

Constructor of Your Own Future.


To fight against one’s destiny is the same as acting like a young child that closes her eyes to the motorized vehicle that comes, out of control, in her direction, assuming the danger doesn’t exist because it can’t be seen. Do not struggle against unhappy circumstances. Map the situation. Study alternative solutions. [...]