Assembly I

Benjamin de Aguiar by Diverse Spirits

Every day is an opportunity to transcend oneself, not for a spectacular leap towards enlightenment but in little daily victories: a little gesture of kindness with a stranger that you’re not used to; smiling a little more than usual; more patience and tolerance with [...]

Soul’s Truth

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the spirit Sister Brígida

Through the study of your mental states, you will have clear clues of what you should do for your happiness. There comes a time when the obvious becomes more obvious and the individual realizes that one always had, very close by, the answer to [...]

Divine Permission to Fall

Benjamin de Aguiar by the Spirit Sister Brígida.

The Lord allowed you to fall:

so that you become more humble, so that you remember to forgive those weaker than you, so that you don’t give up trying to improve day by day, so that you love the criminals, so that you do not [...]

Subtle Voice

Benjamin de Aguiar by the Spirit Sister Brígida.

Listen, friend, to the subtle, but unquestionable voice of your consciousness. Give no credit to the sinister suggestions of those who propose your moral bankruptcy.

Yes, overcome every expression of prejudice. Position yourself, prominently, above all conventions, focused on proper and noble ideals.

Think pragmatically [...]

Morning Reflection – 10.

If you feel some vague, sneaky, but constant impression, draining your self-esteem and whispering that you are unfit, incompetent, unworthy, do not worry: be welcome to mankind on Earth. The consumerist-competitive-materialistic culture suggests that only the most beautiful, intelligent, heroic and accomplished have the right to be esteemed and respected. Do not believe [...]