How to deal with betrayal? (banner 1)

How to deal with betrayal? (banner 1)

Allow yourself time for the psychological mourning of having suffered a disloyalty. But, in the meantime, focus your attention on those who wish you well and on the occupations that make you happy and relaxed, besides engaging in work, study and in the [...]

The observation and action of Heaven in people’s life

The observation and action of Heaven in people’s life

Heaven smiles with the pure ones…

It gets sad with the weak…

It is moved by the heroes of virtue…

It mobilizes to the aid of anyone who helps their fellow human beings.

In contrast, the Communities of [...]

Assembly about sadness

Assembly about sadness

From the dimension of your sadness, you can measure the extent of the joy that you are denying to yourself.



Do not give up on your dreams, otherwise, sadness will inhabit your heart, rotting the most precious cells of your soul and making your [...]

Eyes of Love.



Eyes of Love.


Eyes of compassion toward criminals;

of corrective piety toward children and problematic teens;

of tolerance with personalities of more difficult temperament;

of supportive mobilization for someone who suffers nearby;

of charitable action for those who suffer outside the circle of intimacy. . .

If there are [...]

Comforting fundamental truth

Comforting fundamental truth

(Everything, truly everything is right.)

You should never forget the fundamental words of the great sages of the human past:

“Everything is fundamentally right”, “nothing is out of place”; and, finally, understand that, in this Universe where all things are irrevocably interconnected, the Divine Providence not rarely [...]