Infinite source of graces

She is there, by your side, closer to you than your own breath.

She is the Maternal Face of God, Infinite Goodness and Perfect Intelligence, Whom I merely represent for the earthly civilization.

Fear nothing. Never doubt. Never waver.

Open yourself, in prayer, to the inexhaustible source of graces that flow from Her and maintain this attunement, for your own benefit, by deciding to become, you yourself, a channel of Her blessings, no matter what evolutionary level you are at or how you make yourself an agent of the common good in the lives of as many people as you can reach, even if very few.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
February 29, 2024

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