To get closer to plenitude

You do not need much, or anything big or materially valuable.

What nourishes the soul and is therefore inherent to the spirit is outside quantitative standards – it relates directly to what concerns the qualitative.

Feeling, more than thought.

Kindness, more than intelligence.

Solidary action, more than productivity for the physical world, the economy or the job market.

Being, more than having.

Living, more than just existing and going through reincarnation without a higher purpose than mere survival.

Fulfilling a vocation, be it professional, family, social, political, academic, religious or a multifaceted combination of different aspects of the human condition.

In short, following the Flow of the Divine Will, which invariably represents the highest level of happiness and personal fulfillment that an individual can achieve in a given existence.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
December 27th, 2023

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