How to discern true friends

Those who are not friends with themselves will not be able, however perceptive, to discern who is in fact their friend.

Nurturing healthy self-esteem and due self-respect, including judicious self-confidence, is a basic premise for building mature, constructive relationships, which are also beneficial to other individuals who are within the range of direct or indirect influence of these interpersonal ties.

The mere analysis of personal gain will never align souls that are not legitimately in tune with each other.

Only with authenticity and careful listening to the mental “voice” of the conscience, of the vocational call, of the duty to be fulfilled, even at the cost of sacrificing improper spiritual bonds, by renouncing the preoccupation to meet the expectation of others, even the dearest ones, can one really find those who make up one’s genuine spiritual family and, thus, be happy, be at peace and feel that one is in the route of fulfilling one’s mission in life – the Divine Design for oneself.

Any relationship ties that escape the filters presented here will be nothing more than ephemeral adjustments of circumstantial accommodation and egoic whims, on both sides, without having, therefore, a deep foundation in one’s own feelings, in the unique psychological profile of those involved and in the most sacred spiritual needs each one has in the intimacy of one’s heart.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, United States
November 30, 2022

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