Only route

 In the pure and unconditional Love, the definitive redemption and sublimity.

Before that, however, my beloved child, in the human condition you are experiencing, try the less pure forms of love, which will gradually prepare you for the spectacular flights of transcendence and will already bring you, as they develop, great joy and intimate satisfaction.

In mature parenthood, you will gradually reach advanced levels of personal disinterest.

In true fraternity, you will unfold the sincere desire to see your brother and sister in humanity happy… and to work for the happiness of others.

In authentic friendship, you will slowly expand the potential for empathy toward, on one hand, the renewing compassion and, on the other, the genuine congratulations for the successes of others.

In universal camaraderie, you will discover that you do not yearn for anyone’s suffering, but rather wish that all creatures be happy.

There is no other route to the good, except for the one in the service for the good of other beings, moved by different levels of feelings of kindness – from the mere courtesy to the most extraordinary acts of personal sacrifice and martyrdom.

Message from the Holy MARY
Intermediated by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia
Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
May 7, 2017.


Only route

Only route 1

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