The true happiness

Be happy – in the widest, most profound and altruistic significance of the word. Not as a merely superficial and childish pursuit of a sequence of joy and pleasure, but as a method of systematically applying and surrounding yourself with meaningful activities in service to the common good.

To be happy – in this wise way of thinking – is to follow the Divine’s Call to you, occupying your unique place in the scheme of things, doing exactly what your role is in God’s Plan for the part of the Universe you are living in.

To be happy, after all, is to accomplish your destiny, taking the most satisfying path of plentitude for your singular self, at this precise point of your evolution in space-time…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
May 25, 2022

(Message originally received in English)


The true happiness


The true happiness

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