What really matters

This is the most intense storm of historical events that has ever occurred in all human presence on the Earth.

Nevertheless, tempests, as any other climatic phenomena, no matter how destructive they are, do pass and leave behind a cleaner atmosphere.

In this so important epoch, every single person has the duty to cooperate with the rescue of the earthly civilization, by becoming arms, mouths and hearts of the Divine Will.

Arduous trials usually constitute magnificent spiritual bridges that, provided by the Divinity, convey lessons and improvements to individuals and communities.

This is not a time for frivolities. Stop complaining about what is not within your control. Psychological maturity and pragmatic thinking propel human behavior toward greater serenity and lucidity, creating – as an epiphenomenal effect – serendipity.

Be creative. Respect your idiosyncrasies, your uniqueness, your evolutionary degree, but offer your best to the world, regardless of others’ opinions, even if they consist of the most terrible judgments.

At the end of all lucubrations, my son, my daughter, God’s View, reflected in the very core of your consciousness, is the Only Thing that really matters.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, United States of America
June 8, 2022

(Message received originally in English)

What really matters

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