Fifteen minutes

“For fifteen minutes a day, pray, meditate, think about the Infinite Goodness and Wisdom of God.

This is the first step, although essential, to travel the long journey of self-discovery, on the way to transcendence, passing through the rocky roads, but with flowery and illuminated margins, of the vocation fully lived.

Jesus, in Gethsemane, lamented that the closest disciples did not accompany Him, in prayer, even for an hour. I ask, then, at least, the basic dignity of dedicating only 1/4 (one quarter) of an hour to the duty-rule par excellence: to talk with the Creator and/or His/Her Representatives, in order to obtain strength, inspiration and courage for the fulfillment of the personal mission that each individual carries, as the Divinity’s Design for their current physical existence.”

Intermediation by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia
Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
May 02, 2015

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