Light in the shadows and danger in the contentment


Light in the shadow and danger in the contentment-4

In your bad moments, God sees you, even if you do not feel welcomed, protected or connected to Him/Her.

Remember this, when you are not well, to call upon the Presence of the Lord/Lady, even if you do not feel in your best devotional state. The Divinity will hear you, no matter if you do not perceive it more clearly.

Be careful, though, because the reverse is true. When you are happy and confident, the forces of chaos will still be in your sight, no matter how distant or even non-existent they may seem to you when you are too euphoric or too calm.

Watch, then, as taught by Our Master and Lord Jesus, so that you do not lower your guard of prudence and common sense, thus protecting yourself, as much as you can, from the interference of agents contrary to your peace and happiness, as well as that of your loved ones and of those who, in some way, are under your personal influence.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Lucas Desiderium (Spirit)
LaGrange, New York, USA
September 21, 2021

Light in the shadows and danger in the contentment


Light in the shadows and danger in the contentment 1


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