How to cope with the tragic death of a child at a young age?

 Be thankful to God for the blessing of allowing you to have your child for a few years. Our presence in each other’s lives is not a guarantee or a constituted right, but a gift. Not realizing this reveals a significant part of our selfish and materialistic illusions, disguised as love and wounded dignity. Children are no one’s property. Ultimately, in our sequence of reincarnations, we are all children of the Divinity, which entrusts us, temporarily, to mothers and fathers on Earth.

Cheer up, moreover, with the happy prospect of reunion with your child after the physical death. Death only affects the organic apparatus that we wear during a reincarnation, not reaching the eternal Spirit that we are.

Beware, though: suicide is a sure way to make it impossible for you to reunite with your disembodied loved one, since it consists of a very serious crime before the Divine Laws and Designs, as taught by all religious schools and spiritual traditions, from all eras and cultures of earthly humanity.

Matheus-Anacleto (Spirit)
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
January 26, 2018

How to cope with the tragic death of a child at a young age?

How to cope with the tragic death of a child at a young age?-2


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