The visit of the little shepherdess of Fatima

I met Jacinta, one of the little shepherdesses of Fatima, comfortably accommodated in a seat of the gazebo where I had been taken to on other occasions to engage in brief talks with the direct spokespersons of Mary Christ.

After greeting me, discreetly and elegantly, the saint from overseas, whose spiritual body appeared as an adult, asked me, motivated by unassumingness and modesty, not to describe her sublime appearance to the public and, as soon as I sat in front of her, she said:

“- Our Celestial Mother asks, once again, as She pleaded with us so much in Portugal, more than a century ago, that we pray for world peace.

 Yes, She has already saved the earthly civilization, but how much our planetary community will suffer depends on the prayers and actions of men and women of goodwill until we achieve the definitive redemption granted by God…”

I thought of asking a question to the venerable Jacinta after such a brief message from the Sublime Spiritual Mother of earthly humanity… however, the entire mental picture, including the noble messenger and the gazebo, disappeared from my psychic vision in a fraction of time that must not have exceeded three seconds.

As Eugênia-Aspásia has been beseeched us repeatedly, let us make ourselves, in the physical domain of existence, living repeating antennas of the Sacred Radiations of the Major Representative of the Divine Maternity for the Earth in order to favor the shortening and the mitigation of the collective atonements that we need to go through until our final salvation.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Jacinta Marto e Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirits)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
April 13, 2022


The visit of the little shepherdess of Fatima











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