Auntie’s simple talk1

Auntie's simple talk1

They want to silence your voice, steal your hope, remove the Ideal from your devoted heart.

Continue, even so, spreading encouraging words, motivating initiatives, solidary actions, without letting yourself be intoxicated by the waves of discouragement that the forces contrary to the Light shoot toward you.

Everything passes, everything will pass. If you persist in good, nothing can defeat you, because Jesus will be with you. Remember what He Himself said: “But the one who endures to the end will be saved”2.

See what you do now. Dedicate yourself to one task at a time, one minute at a time. Offer an extra smile or a gesture of tenderness. Send a direct electronic message, in which you show your attention and respect to someone. Share, on some social network on the internet, simple post or pages of spiritual content that serves to lift the spirits of the fallen, in this era of such anguished and widespread hopelessness.

Remember that the Lord is with those who do good deeds, however small, especially when the altruistic act is directed to the community, to strangers, to people who seem least worthy in the eyes of the world – in short: fraternal attitudes that do not seek any form of retribution.

“Each day has enough trouble of its own”3 – said the Christ-Word-of-Truth. Meet the demand of each day, an hour or a quarter of an hour, and deliver to Divine Providence the solution for what is beyond your control.

Apply yourself to the things of the Spirit, fulfilling your duties, however insignificant they may seem to you, and – keep yourself convinced of this – the Sun will rise again over the darkness of your paths.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Sister Brígida (Spirit)
Ashburn, Virginia, Metropolitan Washington, D.C., USA
February 21, 2022

1. In her last reincarnation (1913-1964), Sister Brígida was a children’s teacher at Colégio Santa Bernadette, in Salvador, Bahia. The “aunt”, in the title of this psychography, refers to the affectionate way in which children’s teachers are usually treated by their students.
(Medium’s note)

2. Matthew 24:13.
3. Matthew 6:34.

Auntie's simple talk 2
Auntie's simple talk3   Auntie's simple talk



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