Chico Xavier, Eugênia-Aspásia and Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar  


Instituto Salto Quântico team – Benjamin, it is common, especially in Brazil, to make comparisons between Chico Xavier and other mediums. What would you say if someone proposed that kind of evaluation to you? What is similar between you and Chico?

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar — From the condition of an admirer who feels – to use the most appropriate expression — a devotee of Chico Xavier, as well as of the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia, I would say, in principle, that there is no term of comparison, in any sense, between my person and the sanctified soul of Emmanuel’s medium.

The virtues of Francisco de Paula Cândido (his birth name) easily reminded us of the most emblematic figures in the history of Christianity, in terms of purity of feelings, nobility of attitudes, ability to self-deny and tirelessly serve others, under tremendously sacrificial conditions.

I would spend a large amount of time listing reasons for what I am asserting. But I will highlight only one detail, which concerns the function for which he became best known: mediumship. In addition to being a luminous bridge between the two domains of life, the physical and the extraphysical, Chico easily accessed the thoughts of those around him, which is exhaustively documented by those who lived with him.

I myself, who have only seen him physically on only two brief occasions when we were both incarnate in this lifetime, can testify that this has happened to me. Chico listened to us and answered what was in our soul, even without the assistance of spiritual advisors.

Well then: someone with such extraordinary sensitivity necessarily also feels emotions, bad thoughts and all sorts of horrors that even so-called decent creatures think about and often hide even from themselves. How, then, did he remain continually cheerful and solicitous, despite noticing the mental filths of crowds that visited him, year after year, in the course of seven and a half decades of uninterrupted mediumistic activity? Only a big heart, the heart of an angel would be able to do that.

Notice that I didn’t refer to his mediumistic gifts properly, because Chico was not just a medium, but a mediumship genius, just like there are geniuses of logical-mathematical reasoning, like Newton and Einstein, or of psychomotor ability, like Nureyev and Pelé, to name two ends of the known spectrum of types of intelligence that human beings can display.

The paranormal functions constitute a form of intelligence, an ability to perceive information, with acuity, and to coordinate it, to filter it, to translate it, from one personality to another, from one dimension of reality to another. And this aptitude is embryonic in the humanity of the Earth of our days. Chico Xavier was, pardon the rough metaphor, a psyche endowed with a colossal telescope, in a world of visually impaired people.


ISQT – We understand that you are a fervent admirer of Chico, Benjamin, and we know that your statements are extremely honest. So, let us modify the question. What would you say about your own mediumship, considering this still embryonic stage of evolution of mediumistic faculties on our planet?


BTA – The point is that you started by mentioning the figure of Chico, and I don’t allow myself to continue without referring to him – [laughing affectionately]. To put it into words, in a rough analogy: if, for today’s globe, Chico was an astronomer equipped with an ultra-powerful radio telescope, in the midst of individuals deprived of the visual apparatus or almost completely devoid of sight, I would be someone who carries a sharp telescope, although portable and simple, far short of the prodigious grandeur of an “astronomic observatory”, as his mediumship appeared to be – [humorless laughter]. I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction.


ISQE – And what would you say about the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia and your relationship with her?


BTA – Well, now we’ve changed the context completely. Eugênia-Aspásia is one of the founders of Western civilization. To allude to just one of her celebrated reincarnations, She was Aspásia of Miletus, who is still very little recognized today as the Teacher of Socrates and Pericles. She, indeed, is up to par with Chico Xavier. By the way, I allow myself the extravagance of saying She is superior to the illustrious and candid medium. It’s as if we had, in the same person, Chico’s holiness and mediumship and the wisdom of all his spiritual guides.

Eugênia-Aspásia is a Direct Emissary of the Christs of God, including Our Master and Lord Jesus. The phenomena that endorse Her as a Celestial Ambassador leave us no room for doubt as to Her evolutionary level, which completely escapes the vulgar understanding of current culture. And this Sublime Soul, God knows why, chose me to represent Her on the surface of the orb, during my present immersion in the field of dense matter.

I believe that the main reason Eugênia and Her Friends from the Sublime Plane of Consciousness made this decision is precisely the fact that I have common intellectual abilities and do not have any special virtues. In this way, people can feel empathy when interacting with me, being stimulated in the search to become better Christians or, at least, to establish a more serious and consistent contact with their own spirituality.

When observing Chico Xavier, it was obvious, for anyone with a minimum of judgment and self-criticism, that he was a superior being. Thank God, I can assure you that I am not a saint, nor am I on the way to becoming an enlightened being. I feel decent and focused on a Sacred Ideal. But just that. Therefore, in an interaction with me, there is no place for that lame excuse that was so commonly used, before the illustrious Brazilian: “Ah, but Chico is a being of Light… Who am I to compare myself with him…” And, with this justification vocalized without any moral basis, people fled from the fulfillment of their own duty, usually in ordinary situations of fraternity, which not even had anything to do with mediumistic functions.


ISQT – You have suffered childhood traumas in every area of ​​abuse a child can experience, but you live to enlighten minds and to comfort hearts. You left behind a prestigious degree (Law) to dedicate yourself to a Purpose that, instead of bringing you social prominence and material security, would arouse suspicion around you and even generate insecurity in the chapter of subsistence. You came out as a homosexual, at the height of your “career” as a spiritual leader, in 2008, while, even today, so many people in religious circles and outside of them do not come out in any way. Having dissociated from two formally organized religions, you defend all minority causes, demonstrate unusual culture and intelligence, which allow you to navigate through various disciplines and, in addition, allow you to channel, in your own words, one of the founders of Western civilization… And you still judge yourself normal?


BTA – I get tense with your arguments because I don’t want to appear less transparent than I am. I recognize that we are still at a deficient period of human evolution on our planet. And I also admit that I am an older spirit than the global average. However, nothing more. Older. A monitor — channel of the true Masters, starting with Eugênia-Aspásia herself.

The death of Chico Xavier did not represent only the loss of the leader of the Spiritualist doctrine – he transcended religious barriers. I believe that something much more serious happened: with his departure, in 2002, just five years after Mother Teresa of Calcutta had also returned to her Spiritual Homeland, the era of the saints on Earth came to an end, an evolutionary cycle was finalized for this human community.

With the descent of the Christ-Verb, Jesus of Nazareth, to the biological prosceniums, there was a cascade of luminous reincarnations, allowing advanced consciousnesses, in wisdom and especially in feelings, to arrive on Earth’s crust. And this flow of eminent spirits in the physical domain of life decreased, over the centuries, as we reached a certain collective psychological maturity, so to speak.

Today, as a group individuality, we arrive, allegorically speaking, at the adult youth of the spirit, recently emerging from our psychological adolescence. We dispense with tutors – the so-called holy or high-spirited souls – because we have already achieved a kind of evolutionary maturity. However… it is regrettable to note how much presumption we have paired with inexperience, of lack of philosophical and spiritual perspective on the human condition and on existence as a whole, of moral mediocrity and obtuseness in the field of empathy…

In the past, we lived through atrocious periods of obscurantism. The presence of the Luminaries then helped us not to plunge into the abyss once and for all. Nowadays, however… everyone feels free to give an opinion on everything, with the frivolity of someone who knows almost nothing. Tremendous absurdities rage, freely, within fanatical cults, riddled with retrograde conspiracy and even religious fundamentalism, while atheism seems to present itself as the novelty of a “woke elite” as if there were no atheist figures in all previous centuries since there are serious records about it.

In Ancient Greece, for example, atheists paraded in public debates and in schools of philosophy, without constraints, mocking the myths of their culture, treating them as literal narratives, supposing to see, in this disdain without deep foundations, not only a proof of the inculturation of the popular classes but evidence of the inexistence of an Intelligent Origin for Everything.

It is no wonder that Socrates’ Teacher asked for the opportunity to speak again with the material sphere of consciousness, albeit indirectly, through me. That’s as far as I feel comfortable talking about it. I hope it was satisfactory.

And, before you ask me, I anticipate: yes, there will be, by the Law of Evolution, on a mass scale, a new era of saints, enlightened ones and even of Christs. However, we will have to progress in this direction, laboriously and gradually, on our own, in order to become, through the collective development achieved, spirits emancipated from our Spiritual Preceptors.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
in an interview with the Instituto Salto Quântico Team
LaGrange, New York, USA
June 25, 2021


Chico Xavier, Eugênia-Aspásia and Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

Chico Xavier, Eugênia-Aspásia and Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar  

Chico Xavier, Eugênia-Aspásia and Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar_1

Chico Xavier, Eugênia-Aspásia and Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar


Chico Xavier, Eugênia-Aspásia and Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

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