Empire State

No region of the planet is more heterogenous, in ethnic, cultural, linguistic terms than the “Empire State” of New York. No metropolis, in the orb, is more cosmopolitan than the city named after it.

Precisely for this reason, we wanted to establish in this region the matrix of our spiritual embassy on the surface of the Earth, to make more clearly evident, in the symbolic aspects and mainly in the practical sense, that we are speaking to all human communities that make up the earthly civilization.

From here, under the feminine and glorious sign of the freedom of conscience – the Statue of Liberty – and close to the world headquarters of the embryo of the future single government of the globe – the UN –, we intend to reverberate the Words of enlightenment and comfort to the whole earthly family of today, in the Name of the Christ Verb Jesus.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
June 16, 2021


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