Roadmap and not label

The symbol of the cross, as an insignia of Christianity, is not a label of moral qualification – it is a roadmap of fraternal activities and of spiritual commitments to self-education.

Jesus stated to have come to save the sick and sinful souls. 1 To be Christian, in its deepest expression, therefore, according to the Christ-Verb Himself, is to recognize one’s own sinfulness and thus be engaged in a program of self-reform, through services rendered to brothers and sisters in humanity, in the maximum possible effort of authenticity, solidarity, detachment, forgiveness and combativeness in favor of the common good.

And, in this sacred goal-mission, after each fall, it behooves the authentic disciple of the Light to get up, as many times needed, because the more they honestly acknowledge their weaknesses, flaws and, consequently, their need of self-improvement, the more the initiatives to start over will be necessary to them.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Matheus-Anacleto (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, Nova York, USA
August 26, 2021

1. Matthew 9:12-13, Mark 2:17 e Luke 5:31-32.


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