Immaculate conceptions

In the 19th century, when, through my spokesperson Bernadette Soubirous,

I called myself the “immaculate conception”, I did not exactly have the intention to confirm religious dogmas.

There was a more profound message, codified in the symbolism of the words used, which constituted, basically, a password, a passport, a key for the attunement with the mental realms of goodness and lucidity.

I was referring to the matrix-criterion of the quest that every individual must take on, in the sense of filtering thoughts and focusing on feelings, according to the paradigm of the “immaculate conceptions”.

For this, there is only one valid parameter, although not absolute, that indicates, metaphorically, a pathway to take or a coefficient to increase: that of sincere, continuous purposes that are predominantly linked to service for the common good, in the concert of motivations that drive the human heart.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, EUA
June 24, 2021

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