The Christic model of authentic love

Fathers and mothers, not all creatures are.

Children, not everyone has them or necessarily live with them, even because they may no longer enjoy their presence in the physical world.

Friends, brothers and sisters, however, everyone must be, and, within a standard of moral excellence, behave this way with one another, considering the inherent dignity of any human being.

And this guidance applies primarily to the sacred parent-child relationship, which, without the authentic spirit of friendship-fraternity, can turn into an abomination.

We highlight in this topic, however, the greater responsibility of parents who, if unable to be true friends of their children, disrespect not only the animal instincts of protecting their offspring, but also the sublime principles of unconditional devotion owned to their direct descendants, acting contrary to what is culturally, socially and spiritually expected from those who sign up for parenthood.

That is why, the Christ Jesus established the primacy of fraternity, as a paradigm for the best interpersonal relationship, to the point of asserting that “the true friend is that who gives their own life for their friends”1.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
February 9, 2021

1. John 15:13
The Christic model of authentic love

The Christic model of authentic love

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