God, life and death

God is love… but also Justice!

God is the Supreme Source of Life… however, He-She establishes physical death as a process of renewal for all beings, at the human or animal level of evolution…

Do not allow yourself to be confused, in the emotional eclipse of denial and revolt, when your expectations are frustrated, even if they regard the most precious matters of your soul, such as your vocation and your interpersonal relationships, which often involve professional failures, affective breakups or even the death of loved ones.

Human existence is similar to a tapestry of events and meanings, permeated with losses and also gains, especially in the field of psychological maturation and of spiritual-intellectual lucidity.

In a phase of more intense trials, remember that your discernment is inviolable and that, therefore, only you, with your personal decision to constructively seize the painful experience, can allay the rawness of the vicissitude that you are going through.

Remember, on the other hand, that every storm passes and that, no matter how devastating had been the downpour, the winds and the lightning brought by it, the purifying effect the thunderstorms always happens, in a way that the disasters that happened will create the opportunity for the blooming of nature, the reconstruction of buildings and the transformation of individuals and communities.

Mental systems work as organisms – they are self-regulating and they continuously elaborate themselves in the sense of self-repair, presenting varying degrees of efficiency in their resilience processes, processes that are inexorably conditioned to the creature’s free will and his/her personal margin of conscious maneuvers – although limited by inevitable celestial boundaries.

Welcome, God-Father… who disciplines and corrects, even if by poignant means, when necessary!…

Welcome, Goddess-Mother… who gives rise to new cycles of life, joy and peace, after the passage of existential storms… as devastating as they are enablers of impetus to transcendence!…

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the name of Mary Christ
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
July 2, 2020

God, life and death

God, life and death

0God, life and death

God, life and death

God, life and death

God, life and death

God, life and death

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