Eternal Now

Unfortunately, in the Earth of today, many people wait for dramatic situations in their lives for Life to happen.

One waits for a wedding, a graduation, the “first million”, a certain prestigious role in society, or something simpler, such as a new year or the happy hour of every week…

Libations and excesses of all kinds, which can excite for a moment, only increase the painful feeling of emptiness of meaning and purpose in the soul of the unwary creature.

Today is your day to reconnect with the Essential. The moment of the Spirit is invariably the Eternal Now!

Allow yourself to get out of the cage of golden illusions of disconnection with the Fundamental Source that supplies everything!

Breathe God, in prayer!… Live fraternity in your day-to-day actions, take the flame of the ideal to all areas of your existence, be conscience and ascend, even if gradually, toward transcendence!

Only then you will quench the unexplainable thirst that burns in your heart… Only then you will be able to fill the mysterious and gloomy gap that troubles and terrifies you, in the deepest core of your being.

Matheus-Anacleto e Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirits)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
January 1, 2020


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