Christmas and hearts

How wonderful that Christmas reaches the hearts!

Even if the celebration of the birth of Jesus is diluted by commercial misrepresentations and by excessive treats of alcoholic beverages, or by social and family gatherings often forced and false in their spiritual fundaments, it is undeniable that it intensifies the spirit of fraternity in the collective soul of the whole Earth, reaching even people that are not part of Christian cultures.

May every sincere devotee of the Christ Divine Verb mobilize the resources at hand, to favor the strengthening and better dissemination of this state of partial grace in the heart of the communities, in this opportune occasion to sow faith, hope, spirituality, from the practice of sending cards or electronic messages to the genuine offer of smiles and manifestations of affection among family members, friends, acquaintances or even “strangers” – who are equally brothers and sisters in humanity.

Hail Jesus and the inextinguishable Light of the Divine Truth, which He channeled and embodied in the world!

May His Eternal Message be reborn a little more, every day, in the human hearts, having the Christmas Day as a mere initial impulse to break the millennia-old inertia of indifference and unhappiness in so many millions of spirits, inside or outside dense matter!…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium) and
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
December 19, 2019

Christmas and hearts

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