Giving orders to God, or placing ourselves under Divine Protection?


God helps us by all means, but especially by the voice of our own conscience, by our initiatives of action and resolution of problems, with the focus on practical, sensible, just, spiritual, Christian solutions.

There are no unique channels for Heavenly Help. Neither you nor anyone else can order the Supreme Being to help you through this or that person, this or that specific providence. We are the ones who must yield to the Creator, instead of giving Him-Her orders or instructing Him-Her on what to do to solve our existential dilemmas.

He-She is Absolute, and in His-Her Perfect Wisdom, He-She already knows right now what is best for you, but He-She will never impose Him-Herself upon the destiny of His-Her creatures. On the contrary, He-She will unalterably respect your evolutionary moment and your free will, even when you choose to close yourself to His-Her Action and perpetuate, for an indefinite time, the perverse and vicious circuit of sufferings in which you are presently immersed.

The Divinity does not err — let us reiterate this axiomatic assertion. His-Her Indefectible Intelligence, therefore, allows us to go through just the difficulties that we can not only endure, but, above all, overcome and transform into learning, psychological strengthening and expansion of intellectual and spiritual lucidity.

The path of our bliss will always be that of the love of others, so that we can get out of ourselves, stop dramatizing situations and strive to convert our own sufferings into additional stimuli to do good, in any circumstance, as much as is within our reach.

If we dedicate ourselves to benefaction, to the attunement of serving the happiness of others, becoming agents of help to others, in all sectors of our existences, Heaven begins to give us, so to speak, special attention… And then strength, peace, motivation, joy of living and, who knows (?), even better solutions than those we expected can come to us, naturally, when we least expect them, because we will be connected to the Flow of Grace, of the Divine Inspiration and Protection!…

Gustavo Henrique and Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirits)
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
March 31, 2018

Giving orders to God, or placing ourselves under Divine Protection?

Giving orders to God, or placing ourselves under Divine Protection?

Giving orders to God, or placing ourselves under Divine Protection?

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