The infinite respect of God and of the Spirits for the human free will

The main reason that leads people to disbelieve in the existence of God and of the Spirits is probably one of the most surprising topics that exist, in the field of the search for Transcendence, since, paradoxically, it should cause more admiration for the Heavenly Goodness and Wisdom: the infinite respect for the free will of the human creatures.

An extraordinary finding, albeit, concomitantly, expectable: Those who are Love, par excellence, would never be willing to subdue the discernment and the will of others, even if under the allegation of noble intentions.

The crux of the matter – and also a tragic irony -, however, is that this immovable consideration, on the part of the Sublime Powers, for the right of individuals to interpret and to choose freely, as well as to learn with the consequences of their mistakes and successes, enables legions of incautious individuals, moved by their egoic perspective of observation of life and of events, to conclude they were “betrayed” by the Perfect Providence.

That is why there are so many and so atrocious forms of evil and suffering on Earth, as in other worlds that go through a similar or inferior civilizational stage to that of our orb.

Suffering evil, however, in the evolutionary crucible of the unending reincarnation path, transforms, even if gradually, “defenseless victims” into unbeatable heroes of the good.

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in Name of Mary Christ
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
July 22, 2020



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