Faith and maturity

To have conviction in the Existence and Assistance of the Supreme Being is a basic achievement of spirituality.

However, we will notice a highly deficient degree of intuitional, moral and even simply psychological maturity on those who have not developed a solid and lived sense of responsibility, achieved when one works, studies, prays and reflects, [...]

Joy and prayer

Sacred moments of meditation and prayer can unfold with a spirit of playfulness, of satisfaction of the soul, of lightness and joy. Why could not there be joy in the act, par excellence, of rejoicing of the conscience, rehearsing transcendence?…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia


Everything passes… and it can be better

Let us go through, with gallantry and unrestrained confidence in the Infinite Goodness and Divine Wisdom, the phases of external turmoil and inner difficulties.

Everything passes… and it passes better, if we remain, with discipline, in line with the combative responsibility of systematic choice for the good, in all circumstances.

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit) Benjamin Teixeira de [...]

The grave danger of putting curses

When there is an ill wish toward others, whether from wounded pride or a desire for revenge, the energy and the mystical pattern of the “curse” turn against who invoked it and the less those who were de focus of such an unfairly issued punishment deserve it, the graver the consequences.

Benjamin Teixeira de [...]

Faith and flexibility

Devote keen attention to each circumstance in your life, without fear of making mistakes when noticing the need to review your points of view, even if you need to rethink what you deemed unquestionable.

If faith must be immovable to you, like all the other convictions and moral principles you consider nonnegotiable, the interpretation of [...]