Superior intelligence

Faith, in its genuine expressions – which we will here designate as lucid faith –, constitutes a window of perception for a broader and deeper panorama of reality, both in the intrapsychic sphere and the context of the most complex elucubrations of cosmogony and teleology.

It is, so to speak, a refined form of intelligence, which transcends the narrow schemes of logical-mathematical reasoning and it is even further away from equating to atavistic and oppressive beliefs and superstitions of conventional religious dogmatism.

Quality spiritual conviction and experience lead individuals to the full power over their cognitive functions and their process of self-realization, besides inexorably unfolding them into movements of solidary commitment to people, organizations and humanitarian causes.

This exceptional type of psychospiritual power can be understood as a “superior intelligence”, without any hint of poetic or philosophical exaggeration, since human history itself reveals that this intellectual-moral potential was particularly obvious in the luminaires founders of civilizations on Earth, like Moses, Buddha, Muhammad and, of course, Jesus Christ.

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the name of Mary Christ
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
April 15, 2020




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