Faith and fanaticism

Faith must be the result of the laborious work of the intellect and of the intuition, combined to the most high sentiments and moral values one bears, that is, concerning to the best of one’s own mind and spirit.

The narrow fanaticism of those who wish to convince themselves of a belief that is convenient to their whims and prejudices constitutes a degradation of the natural human impulse to the transcendence and to the reverence of the Sacred, in short: a blasphemy before the Creator.

The horrors perpetuated in the name of God, in the past and in the present, in the Eastern as in the Western, show the gravity of the theme we allude here. In counterpart, the story of the saint souls or the illuminated beings and their acts of unquestionable heroism, as well as the records of the extraordinary realizations of the spiritual geniuses, luminaries of the earthly civilization such as Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tse, in an incomparable scale of benefits to the whole humanity, drastically reveal that faith can and must be a celestial bridge of perception to a greater, deeper, more refined and more complex reality than the one glimpsed by the so limited five physical senses.


Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
April 25, 2015.

Faith and fanaticism

Faith and fanaticism

Faith and fanaticism

Faith and fanaticism

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