Celestial Seeds

May we earn the (priceless) blessings of God by devoting ourselves to the cultivation of the celestial seeds that are deposited in our hearts, through the determination and discipline to make them sprout and bear fruit in the blessed tree of fraternal service entrusted to us, by Divine delegation of personal responsibility.


Let us, [...]

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Last Thursday, the 25th of April, the Spiritual Guide Eugênia-Aspásia asked me to go into a psychophonic trance, with the voice recording system activated, so that the communication could be forwarded to the participants of the prayer and mediumship meetings of our Organization, in the nucleus of Brazil, of United States, of England and of [...]

Difficulties in attaining the ideal

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia


I know you have been facing great difficulties in realizing your ideal. However, no one told you it would be easy. If it were easy, it would not be called ideal: we would call it real. Obviously, it is important to be alert so [...]

Grave warning about the current planetary crisis

The Spiritual Guide Eugênia-Aspásia, at the sunrise of this Saturday, asked me for special concentration, because of the depth and breadth of the subject to be approached, giving me, then, the impressive and sublime Message that had been transmitted to her, a few hours earlier, by the Maternal Angel of our planet, with a special [...]

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Last Thursday, the Spirits Eugênia-Aspásia and Temístocles, members of the same Domain of Consciousness, in partnership, passed me the ideas that had been passed on to them by the Angel-Mother of our earthly humanity.

Different from the usual, besides forming a duo, they came in two different moments for the composition of the same article: [...]