In resonance with the Angels of God!…

In resonance with the Angels of God!


Give thanks to the fruit tree, when picking up a fruit from its branches. Talk kindly to the little plant that you take care of, in your garden. As the animals that deserve your kindness, the plants are also living (and, therefore, spirituals) beings in process of evolution…

Exercise gratitude and love, in the interaction with all creatures and in all situations!…

Revere the arising day, get tender with the child who was entrusted to you by the Divine Providence, take pity on the elderly or the sick fellow that is under your care…

Say a brief prayer of gratitude, before every meal. Invoke the help of Heaven to make yourself more useful, before the professional task that restarts, in the morning, in the afternoon, at night…

Live your life, dear brother, dear sister in humanity, as if you were weaving, thread by thread of works for God-Love, in the simple gestures of every minute, of every hour, a web of affection and of generous, welcoming and even enlightening self-giving, attuning and co-creating with Him-Her, transforming and gratifying yourself in levels and ways that only the habit will let you know…

The message we offer you now may sound like a chimera, mere poetry… Yes!… the echo of a Sublime Poem vocalized by the Angels… and that will resonate in the deepest structures of the Self… if you persist continuously in the love-service.

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)

May 29, 2018

In resonance with the Angels of God!

In resonance with the Angels of God!

In resonance with the Angels of God!

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