The wonderful surprises of God


Twenty-five years ago, by the intermediation of our emissary, who, in turn, channelled the message through her incarnate spokesperson, which was then published in a modest newspaper in the physical plane of existence, we affirmed:

“God, always, reserves, in the sleeves of destiny, wonderful surprises!…”

Having passed quarter of a century since this episode, we would like to add a relevant caveat to the idea, without which the assertion will be frequently contradicted by the natural contingencies of the human condition:

“As long as the creature continues, deeply and persistently, in the service of good, faithful to their conscience (and the fruits1 will reveal the quality of their attunement, in order for them to know whether they really are following their conscience or any other psychic voice that resembles it), in the fulfillment of their vocational duties, regardless of the challenges or adversities faced, in the course of successive years… “

People want to put God to their service, instead of putting themselves in the service of the Divinity. They intend, by fallacious and diabolical philosophies, to impose their personal whims upon the Divine Designs, which are coined in favor of the common good, of the evolutionary needs of individuals and collectivities, in a timeless perspective.

Only those who transcend the paradigm of the egocentrism, prioritizing, with authenticity and constancy, the focus on transcendentality (internally) and on solidarity (externally), can understand, attract and experience, in amplitude of grandeur, grace and happiness, the domain of the Infinite Goodness of the Supreme Being, manifested in all aspects of Life, within or outside dense matter! …



Intermediation of the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

Psychography received by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

February 24, 2018.


1. “You can tell each tree by its fruit.” (Luke 6:44; Matthew, 7:15-20)

Twenty-five years ago


People want to put God


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