Chalk, to be happy

Chalk, to be happy


Transform the hard stone of difficulties into chalk, scribbling the sketch of your happiness on life’s sidewalks.

Turn problems into challenge to your personal fulfillment.

It’s that simple.

Or, then, choose to infantilize yourself in the posture of [...]

The greatest danger of the world… and the greatest Gift of Life!…

The greatest danger of the world… and the greatest Gift of Life!…

Psychopathy and prejudice embody the Evil… from which come all evils, no matter if they are camouflaged, in a sophisticated manner, with false religious concepts, with current conventions or even with secular traditions…

Love and inclusion reflect the Good… from [...]

Golden mantric key


Golden mantric key

I have been asked, with a certain insistence, for a simple prayer, and yet one of great effect.

Here, then, is a mantric prayer, to be repeated with sentiment, daily if possible:

“O God, Infinite Goodness and Perfect Intelligence, Your Will, my [...]