Time of faith, without utopia or superstition

time of faith, without utopia or supertition


Time of faith, without utopia or superstition  


If your life’s circumstance is not favorable, exercise being at peace! Not the peace of superstitious and fanatical accommodation — which does not exactly constitute peace, but rather negligence, inconsequence and lack of common sense. 

Discipline yourself to live, to the extend possible to you, the state of mind of authentic peace, which implies dynamism combined with serenity — that is, creative and resolutive action, by overcoming destructive psychological states, which block cognitive functions and hinder intuitive and innovative solution processes. 

Faith has its optimum moment to be applied, to develop itself and fulfill its noblest functions, precisely in situations of challenge, of adversity, of uncertainty… 

It is obvious that you must accept your personal responsibility, in the operational, external and objective fields of your existence, striving for the resolution of problems. This is logical and out of question. 

At the same time, however, while doing what your reason, knowledge and experience point up to you as your duty, train your mind to experience, with vigor and depth, the unrestricted trust in God’s Infinite Goodness and Perfect Intelligence, invoking, at least once a day, His-Her Presence and Intervention in your favor. 

Therefore, because of your conscious and systematic authorization (since it is in the Divine Law not to violate the free will of creatures in the process of self-construction, even if they nourish unconscious deliberations in this sense), you will be facilitating the flows of attunement between your psyche and the Grandiose and Omnipotent Living System of Love and Wisdom that exhales from the Supreme Being and from the Community of the Good Spirits that serve and represent Him-Her… and that will, thus, more easily and effectively, find ways to assist you in the management and, perhaps, in the dilution of your crisis, even providing you with what you cannot achieve by your own means, rational or material, currently at your disposal.  


Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit) 

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium) 

Aracaju, February 1, 2018 

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