By inherency, man is a protector and not a rapist — and what to do with the psychic monster of many heads that threatens the survival of the human civilization on Earth…

by inherency

The Brazilian press and various vehicles of communication — including the social networks on the Internet — published, with justified fuss and horror, the news about 30 men who raped a woman. I would make a correction to the news though: there was a woman in the story presented, but no man. According to the perceptions, values and feelings of each witness, there were thirty scoundrels, crooks, brats, cowards, criminals, monsters (in my opinion, a conjunction of all these demented and degraded facets of masculinity, in various degrees), but, definitely, I reiterate, in all caps: NO man!… 

Had there been a single authentic man in the crime scene, he would have exposed himself to the risk of death, if necessary, to defend the victim, or, if he were more of the calculating, egomaniac or less dignified type, he would have absented himself, immediately (as soon as the intentions of the others became clear), so to contact the police from the distance. However, never, would he ever witness it in silence, even if “without participating” in the indefensible, abominable and horrifying act of abusing a defenseless woman, in such a cruel and savage way. 

In his purest original impulses, man is a caretaker, a protector, a guardian. He is a father, a brother, a friend, a son, even a husband or a lover, who is partner and not violator of his consort or loved one… NEVER a rapist!   

A horrendous occurrence like this is a shame for all the masculine gender of humanity. It deposes against all the “class” of men. It makes the most harmed and traumatized women — which are not few, in relative and absolute terms — to generalize the opinion about the male integrants of the species.  

A man — and the masculine, in a broader prism — has his healthy psychological aspects and noble moral attributes strongly bound to the archetype of the warrior of the good, of the guardian angel, who puts himself between the danger and those under his care, so that nothing bad happens to them, at the cost, if necessary, expanding what we have said above, of his own convenience, physical safety and even his life in the physical body. 

The hideous act of raping, boasted on the press, is below the animal level of manifestation of the male, who instinctively recognizes limits when copulating with the female of its species. Such an ominous action stoops to the level of the most vile, abject and repulsive use of the human “reason”, deplorably put to the service of impulses of coward authoritarianism and bestial misgovernment — for this, deserving all individual and collective repudiation. 

It is this same culture of rape that has been turning itself against women in leadership positions in the professional, academic, artistic and politic world, against homosexuals and transgender people, from whom they mean to steal even the Love of God (!)… (In Portuguese we purposefully made the free and constant use of feminine terms, for obvious reason.)

“Brood of vipers” — asserted Jesus, directing Himself to religious and authorities of the patriarchy at the time, oppressors of women and all minorities. And He concluded, with an emphatic tone: “How long do I have to stay with you? How long do I have to put up with you!…” Even the Sacred Name of Jesus has been used, in a blasphemous way, century over century, to tyrannize and persecute minority groups. Woe to those who act this way, no matter how protected they might feel by their demoniacal doctrines and their traditional empires of the evil, in the form of organized religion, the same patriarchal establishment that has so fiercely been pointed out as hypocrite, by Christ Voice of the Truth Himself, and that has also been responsible for His ignominious Death, on the Symbolic Cross of sacrifice of our multimillennial tortured divine immanence!… 

By the way, on the next 30th of May, it is celebrated the anniversary of the physical death of a genius from the Sublime Domain of Life, by a capital punishment execution which mortified her body in the flames of the execrable bonfire of hatred against the difference — such sentence was decreed by an assembly formed exclusively by men, said to be highly educated and religious. She was a general who came to save a fatherland from the desegregation of their cultural heritages and from the contumacious decimation of their population contingents, acting in the middle of the battlefield, but extraordinarily without ever wielding a weapon. Only that this great military genius returned to the proscenium of the flesh battles in a body of a young lady! 

Courageous and determined as no other man of her time, she publicly affirmed to hear voices from High Above and even demanded to dress   like a soldier, in a time when the mediumistic reality was demonized and when even the concept of homosexuality was diffuse, not to mention that of transgenderity, which up until today is reason for acerbic controversy in the academic fields of Psychology and of Psychiatry. We allude to Joan of Arc, who unfolded her epic campaign between only 14 and 17 years of age, reverting the route of the infamous Hundred Years’ War, being consumed by the flames of human perversity at only 19 years old, in the year of 1431. 

May the bonfires of hatred against the Femininity be extinct, as soon as possible, because it is the same hatred that leads the man to submit and explore the ecological resources, without responsibility and conscience, as if Nature and its limited resources were a submissive female to be violated to the whim of the predator with pretentiously human brain!… This same hatred compels, in an equally irrational and inhuman way, nations and classes considered superior to plunder less favored countries and communities and often, as the young woman from the rape, defenseless, that should demand from them, from their lethargic consciousness, the tutelage and not the exploitation!… The same hatred that foments the confront between two tyrannical masculine forces in the contemporary civilization: the post-modern culture of consumerism and the radical Islamic culture, threatening to precipitate us in an apocalyptic clash, as soon as more sophisticated warfare technologies, like nuclear warfare, fall into the hands of the most aggressive and violent ones. 

This same cultural and psychic vector, likewise, is responsible for causing, every year, thousands of adolescents and adults from the LGBT community not only to become victims of physical and verbal violence from others, but also to suffer the total collapse of their psyche, in a continuous wave of suicides, due to systematic and profound attacks to their sense of dignity and even to their right of existing, not rarely coming from those who should be their most loving protectors-caregivers: relatives and religious advisors…  

Horror of the horrors! — religious leaders who base themselves, with their infernal politics, on literal, twisted, unfair and irresponsible interpretations of sacred texts, to oppress and condemn souls already so martyrized by discrimination, invoking, heretically, the Name of the greatest libertarian and defender of minorities in the history of humanity on Earth: Our Lord and Master Jesus! 

The time has come for us to more deeply see the problem of the contemporary crisis. If we remain on a superficial and isolated analysis of events, fighting them one-by-one, we will never reach the etiological root of the general turmoil that we go through. We need to reverence the Femininity, within and outside of ourselves, in our evolutionary level and above the human stage of consciousness, as God-Father is also God-Mother… God is Absolute, He-She is beyond all dichotomizing and mutilating definition, so to the liking of our limited, perverse and perverted human minds. 

If we attack a problem by parts and on the surface, keeping its driving forces active, one way or another they will be intensified, by the temporary and partial repression, just like the Hydra of Lerna, from the Greek mythology, the dragon that generated two other heads every time one of its three original heads was beheaded… And such forces will inexorably come back to the surface of the scandalous happenings, as we already see the shocking outbreak of its sinister and diabolic verve, in the speech of politicians who publicly defend torture and acclaim for it, the coup d’état and the massive death of people, with the extremely bizarre support — to use a smooth note — from a portion, even if insignificant, of the Brazilian population!… 

It is time to be truly more humans, celebrating, honoring and dignifying the Femininity, beginning by its most clear expression, materialized before our eyes: our sister of the feminine gender, or those who, despite being born in male bodies, identify themselves with the female gender of the species: the trans women!… 

And, so, from this fundamental floor of respect and consciousness with the feminine expressions in the outside world, we will be able to valorize and maximize the Femininity within ourselves — whether we are men or women —, with all the attributes that are its direct corollaries: the sensibility, the intuition, the spirit of community, the integration with our little recognized transcendentality… 

Let us act, persistently, widely and profoundly, in favor of the final victory over the apocalyptic antiChrist beast that huffs and grunts, macabrely and threateningly, around our steps, with its various heads: the prejudice, the tyranny, the oppression, the malevolence and any manifestations of disaffection against our neighbors, less favored groups and our own less valorized inner aspects… To sum up, a victory against the dragon of the horror, which devours, within and outside of each creature, the potential for love, for liberty, for authentic Spirituality… and, therefore, equally, for happiness!…  


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar and Spiritual Friends 

Aracaju/SE, May 28, 2016. 

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