Hidden Happiness.

Hidden Happiness

“Transmute sadness into the exercise of the pursuit of joy, in less happy contexts.

Face the free hostility of others as an opportunity to develop, in yourself, more refined relational and psychological skills.

Interpret the need, of any kind, as a stimulus to find means or new resources to feel good.

God does not make mistakes. Therefore, the situation in which you are inserted — although allowed or even caused by your own negligence or inappropriate action — is, necessarily, according to the authorization of the Being Infinite Intelligence and Love, the better, the lighter and the simpler way, to promote your growth, considering your future happiness . . . but also of the present moment, regardless of how ironic this assertion may sound, at first.

If your circumstance is bitter and difficult, rest assured: it would be much worse if it were not for the intervention of the Endless Mercy.

Thus, work to modify your existential situation and to improve your world view, so you see events and people more clearly, and therefore can be thankful for the gifts that the Divine Providence grants you in abundance, even when (and usually more in such occasions) life seems (just seems) not to smile at you. ”


Message from Holy MARY

Intermediation of the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

July 25, 2014

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