Assembly on dealing with the primitive within oneself.

Assembly about dealing with the primitive within oneself.


There is no certainty in the mediumistic phenomenon, as there is none in the most legitimate intellectual experience, or in anything else in life. If you place the feet of your soul on the shaky ground of the creative experimentations of the processes of growth, development and individuation, you must not expect much clarity and definition. Thus, it is better to get yourself used to doubt, fear and discouragement, not all the time, but at least as frequent visitors of your mind.


Have faith in God. When all seems lost and hopeless to you, remind yourself of the Infinite Love, the Perfect Providence, and proceed in your path of ideal and love. Do not lose faith in yourself, despite the weakness that you identify in your soul. In the Hands of God, we can do anything.


Your expressions of primitivism will be forgiven, to the extent that you compensate yourself, before the Laws of Life, by doing good to an even greater extent. Do not waste time blaming yourself: focus on working toward the extension of good to others. Who knows if it was not even to give you a greater stimulus to accomplish the best that the Divine Goodness has permitted you the experience of error?

Gustavo Henrique.

Do you feel your soul leprous, because of the numerous flaws you find within it? Then, as the lepers of Capernaum, seek the Master and completely entrust yourself to Him, so that He can heal all the illnesses of your soul, making it arise to a new life.Oh!… your case seems to you even more serious, and you feel a complete failure, in the total death in the evil? Therefore, recall the dead resurrected by Jesus, and surrender yourself, even more confidently, to the beloved Rabbi of Galilee, and all your troubles will be relieved.

Sister Brígida.

The Goodness of the Creator never closes the doors of repentance and reparation on the sinner. If you feel a rebel of the Divine Light, know that this is only an impression of yours. No one is irrevocably condemned, to anything, under the eyes of the Lord. The unbelievers are the ones who condemn themselves to cruel sufferings. Grant yourself, now, self-forgiveness and start a new life, with the purpose of correcting and compensating yourself for any wrongdoing you may have done, either by action or omission.


Be careful with obsessive behaviors and tendencies that block the creative processes, in the name of a false morality (moralism) that stanches the sources of productivity and of action toward good. Be an ethical, just and good heart, but never a pretentious puritan. Fanaticism and genuine religiosity do not go together. Choose your side and opt for happiness. You are animal, as much as you are spiritual—a complex combination of beast and angel. It is up to you to manage this fundamental conflict, in the course of evolutionary transition, recognizing, though, that it will not be now that the beast will transform itself, totally, into a sublime angel. The human being in you will still make a lot of regrettable mistakes. And, for a long time still, you will need the Hand of God to lift you up from the falls in which you will wallow in.


The truth is only one, but it expresses itself in infinite ways. Do not tie yourself to collective or familial configurations of truth, in order to be accepted and loved. Yes, you should not be a foolish and irreverent rebel. Also, do not transform yourself into a demon of self-castration, in the name of being the despicable “nice person” that everyone pretends to love, yet no one, in fact, values. To be whole, righteous and authentic is to find your personal truth, even if bearing some contradictions and incoherencies, which can pass for lies, depending on the perspective of who evaluates them. However, never turn your back on your intuition regarding the best thing to do, with the intention of becoming “better,” in the hypothetical field of purifying vague virtues, usually according to a standard of moralistic conventions that does not always correspond to the transcendent truth of God.


How can you despise being happy? An ethic cannot make you bitter, or it is not an ethic, but optics… a distorted view. Discipline yourself, but do not trouble yourself. Try to make things right, but do not become a machine. The error is human! Even with all your efforts, you will still make mistakes, perhaps even worse types of errors, because you presume not to make them: this is arrogance, fanaticism, and tyranny. Thus, find the balance between accepting your human fallibility, without rendering yourself to your impulses; and between educating your animal nature, without suppressing it. It is not easy to find this ideal point, but even worse is to live in the extremes of decompensation.

Roberto Daniel.

* Concept created by the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung, the father of depth psychology, which, in short, represents the individual’s infinite process of becoming what he or she is, within the intricacies of self-knowledge and the self-unfolding of his or her dormant potentials. (Medium’s Note)


Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

29 December 2001

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