Your huge tiny mission fromGod

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspasia

They told you, dear friend, that the missions from God are “huge” missions.  

And you see yourself so petty! … You have never imagined and still do not conceive that any “great” fate is reserved for you.

How wonderful that you feel and think that way!

That means you are not moved by the ego, which would make it very difficult to be in tune with the higher realms of consciousness.

If the ideal of serving and being helpful burns in your heart, do not stop because of the impression that the little, or seemingly worthless, work you can do to this or that person, in this or that way,  is unimportant. 

What are great missions, when compared to the greatness of the Universe and God? Well, well.  Likewise, reason with me: for God, the care, the diligence, the sincerity and the love with which you do a task that the world deems of little importance, can be a work as valuable as that, which a missionary performs within a community.

On the other hand, who says you cannot reach so many people and your work cannot trig significant processes of broad-spectrum benefit, in cascade? The few people with whom you interact during the week make contact with so many others, so that, in a infinite domino effect, day after day, year over year, many thousands of people can also be touched… No one is able to measure the extension of their own influence. But everyone can and should evaluate the quality of what they offer, starting with the nature of the purposes with which the solidarity offer is presented to somebody.

Pray at the beginning of your day, as well as before doing any simple duty of everyday life, and mobilize yourself in every action, with the spirit of helping, caring, loving. And be sure: you will be in resonance with the Holy Spirits of God, Who want to spread goodness, kindness, wisdom and peace, to everywhere, in every circumstance, and not just at large, spectacular, and “gigantic” situations and tasks.

The child you lull to sleep on your lap today can lead crowds in the future.

The soul you rescue today,  seeming to need your help, disguised in rags, can be a very noble Spirit who, tomorrow, will rescue you and an unthinkable number of other people.

Spread out hope, optimism, good will and faith. You do not realize the power of a life inspired by such guideline! You really do not realize how much of an agent of the Light you can become, in the service of goodnes for many people, even though you still remain, throughout the existence you now enjoy, imprisoned in the seemingly insignificant situation (to the perspective of the human ego ) that you are today.

Be the Angels ́channel, to the sufferer of the world, by bringing to everyone a message of love and joy, comfort and motivation, and you, gradually, will be inflamed with the Sacred Fire of Love – which is God – , starting to blaze, within you, the burning happiness of Heaven, still trapped into a flesh body… until the day you will be released from the dense matter cocoon that houses you, to flutter, full of grace and life in abundance, to the higher planes of happiness and fulfillment in the Creator ́s and His (Her) Envoys! …

(Message received on April 24, 2014.)

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