Spiritual authorities and mysterious cause of grave problems

Do not fight against the inexorable. When all that is sensible and fair toward solving a problem has been exhausted, and the question remains unsolvable, then perhaps you are not dealing with the fundamental pendency, but with a derivative, a mere consequence of a much deeper evil.

To discover this root of crisis, suffering or existential impasse, re-evaluate what you really want, question your identity, interrogate yourself regarding the routes of destiny that are defining or allowed to be defined, by your action or inaction.

Pray systematically. Yet verify if your prayer is a plea for inspiration or a puerile protest — a series of mental screams, in truth, instead of a prayer.

Seek, with persistence, to follow what your conscience points out as your ideal, vocation and your most sacred principles. However, ponder, with caution, if this mental voice is indeed the voice of your conscience or if it is merely the result of cultural, familial, professional conditionings, or even unresolved repressions of your own personality engulfed in a long and slow evolutionary process.

And – here is the topic that we will reflect upon today—, respect what comes from High Above, either through embodied or disembodied individuals, no matter what your belief is. As Jesus asserted, writing through the Apostle John: “…for whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen” (1 John 4:20). This theme may sound secondary, but it is not. It is just more esoteric, imperceptible to the eyes that are restricted to pass through the surface of spiritual reflection without the profoundness needed for the most relevant Knowledge.

We must respect Institutions and people who represent our faith, or otherwise, we must change faiths. If we do not present the due consideration to what we chose to be the Bridge between God and us, we will be attacking, symbolically, what is most sacred within ourselves, and, indirectly, the Creator Him-Herself. And if we are not able to respect the Essential, how will we be in tune with any level of justice, wisdom or love in order to attract the Divine Graces in our direction?

Going beyond this reasoning, it can be said, moreover, that the fact that an individual does not belong to a certain religion or to a set of beliefs that they feel or declare to be bound to, does not authorize them to insult what comes from Above and refer to other groups or denominations of faith, or even any religious orthodoxy in the same way. In the same manner, no one is exempt from suffering the law of gravity for not believing in it, or is inaccessible to contamination by pathogens, only for believing, with conviction, that the microorganisms that cause certain diseases do not exist. And how much more valid is this principle regarding “Spiritual Things,” which are much more serious and essential than those relating to the physical world?

It is such a grave error to accuse someone inspired by the Holy Spirit of being driven by an evil force, that the Master Jesus, as the sacred records reveal, considered it a blasphemy with no forgiveness (Matthew, 12:32; Mark, 3:29; Luke, 12:10). And the ultimate example of this sacrilege was perpetrated against the very Christ. It is important to remember that His enemies felt perfectly supported, morally and spiritually, in their blasphemous fury, (due to the fact they were) invoking the authority of the first books of the Bible, above all, the ones from the authorship attributed to the prophet Moses.

Many feel victimized or wronged, convinced of being right, and they find those who approve of them and support their distorted views, giving them sustenance to insanity and leading them to “reassurance”— an instinctive behavior of flocks, but which in no way is lucid. Most of human beings suffer as a result of their evil actions, thoughts, and feelings, no matter how much they are convinced of being right.

Jesus also taught us what must be done when we are facing serious moral dilemmas about people or events: “You can tell each tree by its fruits”(Luke, 6:44; Matthew, 7:16-20). The Ambassadors of the Higher Domain of Conscience, although human — and the more human They are, the greater their merit —, are marked by incontestable Decorations from On High, Prodigies that surround Them and their actions, so that those with wavering hearts have the opportunity to recognize the legitimate Representatives of the Greater Realm.

Despite the self-evident Divine Origin of such Phenomena, there are those who let their ego and its wounded whims take over, suffering (for their own misery, unfortunately) a strong inclination to not accept the ostensive signs of Heaven. The same individuals end up appealing, consciously or unconsciously, to all kinds of rationalization, with moralizing tones, that give them some support, just as they did before The Greatest among all Spokespersons of the Heights: the Christ Verb of Truth.

Political, economic and social authorities are often the focus of adulation and subservience. In contrast, the authentic spiritual Authorities (not merely the religious, who can be as conventional and human as the others), those awarded with clear Celestial indications that represent the Divinity, are seen, often, and, by a variety of justifications, as unbalanced and even immoral people. About this, Jesus propugned: the authentic Prophets were always treated like that. ( Luke, 4:22-24)

In addition to the miraculous phenomena occurring around these Bailiffs of Heaven, we will find more peculiarity to reveal the genuine prophet. It is recorded in the Bible, from Moses to the Envoy of the Envoys, Christ-Voice-of-God: They faced, whether in the public or private arena, religious, political or economic authorities of Their time. They did not fear to attack prejudice or conventions, nor did They wear masks to speak to anyone. They were kind, when they could be kind; but severe, to the point of seeming arrogant, whenever the Voice of the Supreme Being propelled Them to do so. The Messiah called the most respectable authorities of His day hypocrites, and even entered into the Temple of Solomon wielding a whip, abhorring all forms of adulteration of the Sacred Purpose of Spirituality, as well as the application of power and public possessions toward personal gain.

These Agents of Eden are not conventional, though They do not always behave in a counter-conventional manner. After all, They are Representatives of a future system of values and ideas, as living dynamos of the evolution of individuals and groups. For instance, Jesus assured that He would destroy the great Temple of the Jewish, so as to rebuild it in three days, even if figuratively (John, 2:19), and the prophet Isaiah came to walk naked, by the order of Yahweh, throughout the streets of Jerusalem, in the course of three consecutive years (Isaiah 20:2-3).

If you do not want to receive or follow the propositions or the inspiration of someone endorsed by Forces and Events that are beyond your comprehension, do not fall into the error of the ancient Pharisees and Sadducees who, regarded as the most knowledgeable and enlightened of their people, invoked the dominant moral of that time and their traditions, to martyr the Ambassador among the Ambassadors of the Heavens. Stay away from what you do not understand or do not want to understand, and avoid condemning. The omission and avoidance of responsibility constitute a fault. But placing oneself against what comes from God, discreetly or openly, is, without appealing to metaphors, to insert oneself into a route of miseries. If you reject the Source of Graces, the Divinity, or His-Her determination about who represents Him-Her and what must be done in His-Her Name, you will disconnect yourself inexorably from the Supreme Source of Good. And the consequences will come, sooner or later… worse if later, because of the accumulated “karmic burden”, as we can translate it into human words and concepts of today’s Earth.

On the contrary, if you want to cooperate, or at least refrain from hindering the Divine Work, on the physical plane of existence, performed in a special manner by preordained individuals from the Highest Dimensions, “open your eyes.” Have, what was even taught by Jesus Christ: “eyes to see and ears to hear,” (Matthew 13:9-17), since the indicative evidence is very strong around those whom Heaven endorse as His-Her Messengers.

All peoples and all ages have Emissaries of Divine Powers in action, whether linked to this or that belief group. Do not look for Prophets of the past, disembodied and consecrated, to lament what was done against them. It is natural to notice the value of those who had fomented ideas, which currently, are already valued and receive the reverence of the most enlightened minds, with the favor of the evolution of customs and concepts, fully revealing who such Spirits in the service of the Greater Good were.

It is important, for your present and future safety and peace, to identify who is the Envoy of the Supreme Plane of Consciousness, for your culture, people and time… before you too make part of the list of those who will be deplored in the future for having pursued an evolutionary vector… perhaps exactly the person that today you loathe, feeling full of reason and indignation when condemning them, just because they do not fit into (always relative) codes of value and conduct of “good moral” and “social mores” of present days… Despite having, here or there, aspects of exception, the true Prophets are not pleasant to hear, since They go against the moral tenets of Their time. As we said, it is Their role and duty to provoke the evolution of ideas, even though They appear, to many, to do the opposite. Therefore, normally, these Prophets are frowned upon and deplored by most of Their contemporaries and, particularly, by those who enjoy a prestigious position based on the values established by tradition, which, therefore, are the ones who are most frontally threatened in their personal interests.

The more They are ahead of Their time, the more astonishment the Messengers of progressive causes. They are marginal but from the top border of the evolutionary average of Their contemporaries. And, it not by change that They are often treated as mere criminals, just like what had happened to the Supreme Master, Jesus, sentenced to death among thieves, booed by the crowds, abandoned by the most direct beneficiaries of His years of messiahship… alone with the Divinity, Whom He addressed, through His glorious martyrdom of maximum coherence with what He was and Represented for all future centuries of the earthly humanity.

Woe to those who do not hear My words, as they have not heard the words of Jesus for two thousand years! They will keep on seeking advice from traditional religious authorities — although there are decent ones, just like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, at the time of the Christ —, to hear that Heaven approves them, when they only hear what they want to hear, lying to themselves with the misleading suggestions of those who are mistaken and, often, do not know it. “If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit”8, sentenced Jesus, regarding this sinister and tragic attitude.

And happy, however, in turn, those who accept and support a Missionary of Heaven: they will attract the blessings of the Angels for themselves and their loved ones, in abundance.

Finally, on the fate of those who refuse to receive the Celestial Emissaries “in their homes” (i.e., in their minds and hearts), the Christ-Divine-Verb was categorical, once again: “…when you leave them shake even the dust off your feet, because this dust will rise against them on the Day of Judgment (Matthew, 10:13-15).

Message received by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia
Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
May 31, 2014

8 Matthew 15:14

Spiritual authorities and mysterious cause of grave problems

Spiritual authorities and mysterious cause of grave problems

Spiritual authorities and mysterious cause of grave problems

Spiritual authorities and mysterious cause of grave problems

Spiritual authorities and mysterious causes of serious problems

Spiritual authorities and mysterious causes of serious problems

Spiritual authorities and mysterious cause of grave problems


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