Past Life Therapy and Spiritual and Incarnated Guides

(Benjamin Teixeira) – Is Past Life Therapy really as good as other cathartic techniques or in truth it is nothing else but another trend?

(Spirit Eugenia) – Every effective cathartic technique bears the seal of healing, as the individual retraces the root causes that originated his personality disorders, thereby removing or treating them. Past Life Regression Therapy (*1) is one of these effective techniques, when properly applied.


 (BT) – Is it the best one, Eugênia?

(SE) – There is no best therapy. There are more applicable methodologies to this or that case, to this or that context, to this or that interaction between patient and therapist, to this or that individual. Thus, we cannot, beforehand, point out a technique as the best one to resolve every human existential problem.


 (BT) – Could someone simply improve through a good counselling?

(SE) – There are people who revolutionise their lives or discover their purpose of being on Earth, only by hearing a phrase, watching a film, seeing a needy child in the street. Others, however, may take years in psychoanalytic clinics and they don’t get through the first steps of the process of elaboration of their issues. Therefore, each case is different.


(BT) – Do you have anything to say about the subject?

(SE) – Sources of professional or fraternal advice and support should be more appreciated. God assist people through people themselves. There are a lot of people expecting that the Creator comes, in Person, to advise them about what is best to do. Such foolish personalities do not realise how they enthrone pride in their souls, losing contact with reality, therefore blocking the channels through where the Divine Providence would enter their lives, to help them. Instead of expecting to speak directly with unarguably superior Beings, why not to listen to each other? Sometimes, in the office of a psychologist, in the voice of priest, in the advice of a friend or a very dear and trustworthy relative, we receive God’s answer to our dramas. Everyone should establish a discipline of systematically seeking advice and/or psychotherapeutic support, obviously in accordance with considered goals and affinities. At least once a week, everyone should have someone with whom to talk unreservedly about their most intimate, disturbing and emergent problems. 


(BT) – I’ve been saying in the TV program that two are the paths, two the disciplines, two the fundamental habits to keep us connected to God: individual prayer and the attendance to a collective worship of seeking God. Should we include this other one as well?

(SE) – Yes. Someone must be appointed by each individual as the guardian of his inner probity, on behalf of his own consciousness and on behalf of the disembodied spiritual guides. It is obvious that that person must always check, with the filter of her intuition and common sense, what is suggested to her, the evaluations made about her behaviour and choices. This elected guardian, it cannot be forgotten, is a representative of the most intimate voices of the soul of who is being advised. Therefore, if he is not in deep accordance with them, he must be ignored, at least in that aspect of misalignment between one’s consciousness and the value judgment of the other. But although we cannot give absolute authority to anyone, in view of human’s fallibility, in terms of management of our lives, it is unquestionably necessary that we have someone as a life mentor or spiritual guide. Those who are not ostensive mediums, thus unable to talk directly with their disembodied guides, should choose someone in the material plane of life, who they consider as a representative of the Higher Plane and with who they can then talk, periodically, in this state of spirit, knowing that their spiritual protectors will make use of this clarifying medium (appointed as the incarnate guide), in order to present important topics for their general progress.


(BT) – Obviously, we can change the guide or mentor, in these circumstances, when we do not feel comfortable…

(SE) – Yes, undoubtedly. But you must avoid the propensity to search for “orientators” who only say nice things, which correspond only to the demands of your ego, thus not being in tune with the voice of your super conscience and, consequently, with the voices of your “guardian angel” and other powers that represent God. Hence, the incarnate guide has the right and even the duty to contradict, here and there, where necessary, the desires, impulses and momentary impressions of the ego of who’s being oriented. In the process of psychological transference, it is common to project on to the mentor not only the attachments of childhood, but also the silly stubbornness of the capricious inner child, who often aims to evade from the effort of learning and growth, just like a little-one that tantrums to not go to school. The problem is that, as an adult and enjoying all the freedom that it is an inalienable prerogative to them, they can naturally wander from clinic to clinic, from guru to guru, without listening to the most important for themselves, until, perhaps, regrettably, end up in the hands of who is the least competent to guide, for they just nourish the neuroses and whims that should be overcome, treated and transmuted, and not nurtured.


(BT) – Eugênia, I would ask one more question. Some say they don’t need guidance from anyone, that their reason and consciousness are enough. And they are very proud of that, as a testament of maturity and intelligence. What would you say about this?

(SE) – They are in the perfect frequency of darkness. Only in the inferior plane (*2) one can act as one’s own master. In the superior plane, the more an individual grows in maturity, the more he must account to what he does and more he feels propelled to seek the salutary help of noble guidance, although, paradoxically, his freedom also grows. The point is that, the more evolved a spirit is, the more he seeks to listen to what more evolved ones have to say, in order to make less mistakes, make things right and progress faster. In the higher realms of consciousness, there is a profound web of discipline and communication, and nobody takes serious decisions without a collective agreement about it. This, which may sound strange to some arrogant characters, is easily seen as truthful, when one realises that even in the most advanced work environments, in the physical plane, they are partially applying such a similar system of power, by establishing a “participatory management”. The idea of an authority in charge, who solely and autocratically determines the direction of an enterprise is today seen as an outdated organizational philosophy, causing much more errors than setting things right. The same can be applied to one’s own life, as a whole.


It is essential that there be a deep sharing of meanings and contents of the soul, an initiative that, by the way, given its complexity and depth, cannot be entrusted to more than one person, normally, even not to create a cacophony in the psyche of who’s being guided, with dissonant voices generating more conflicts, rather than dissolving them. If it is already difficult to keep in tune with the voice of one’s consciousness and to create adjustments in its “translation”, what to say when there is more than one, external to the psyche undergoing therapy? That is why Jesus said: “A servant cannot serve two masters at the same time”. On the other hand, those not willing to authorize someone else as their guru, teacher or guide, even if it is a disincarnate being (if the person’s got enough psychological maturity and mediumistic development to allow herself to listen what is hard and unpleasant for herself too), believe themselves to be the centre and the summit of the world, and they affirm, by pretending to account only to God, that in fact, they account only to themselves. As the Master Jesus also said, “if one does not love his brother whom he sees, how can he love God, Whom he does not see?


(BT) – Strong and important. Thank you, Eugênia!

(SE) – You’re welcome, my son.


(Mediumistic dialogue held on March 11 2004. Revised by Delano Mothé.)


 (*1) Current technical term for PLT, more adequate because it refers to the fact that memory regression can also happen for traumatic events of present life, without necessarily remembering other reincarnations.


 (82) Infernal regions of the spiritual plane.


 (Notes of the Medium)

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