
(Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar) – Eugênia, what would you have to tell us about money?

(Spirit Eugênia) – Money is a live force, in the name of God, spreading life and happiness or death and tragedy, according to the use that one makes of it.

(BTA) – In the name of God, death and tragedy as well?

(SE) – Yes, or would tragic events not happen with Divine permission? Evil contains implicit messages of good. A learning to be done, cycles to be closed, new phases to be initiated.

(BTA) – What is the best application that should be given to money?

(SE) – First, I would like to draw attention to a fundamental issue, prior to your question and inlaid in it. One must seek an application for money. The big problem for a good portion of humanity is that, rather than seeking to apply their money, they apply their lives, time, energy and all their soul to earn it. Money is only a tool to promote life and not the purpose of life.

As for a correct application: anyone that, as we just said, aims to promote the flow of life, happiness, wellbeing, progress, growth, peace, from the smallest matters, such as the fulfilment of a momentary whim (provided that it does not make you capricious permanently), to the most serious ones, as meeting the demands of survival in the material world, sponsoring your children’s education and your own, the cost of small joyful favours, like holiday trips, weekend breaks, and finally, of course, the meritorious investment of monetary funds into philanthropic, social and charitable activities.

(BTA) – What to say to those who have serious difficulties in their financial lives – which, by the way, seems to be everyone’s problem.

(SE) – Yes, as a matter of diversion of focus, people tend to overestimate the importance of the economic power in their lives. But, subtracting the excesses, from the millionaire who laments not being as rich as in the previous year, to the teenager who feels miserable for not being the owner of the most expensive imported car in the market, there are indeed people with serious difficulties in dealing with the monetary energy. We see, for instance, people who unconsciously think money is sinful, despite of consciously seeking it thoroughly, but boycotting themselves in all sorts of ways at the reach of their subconscious tentacles, from an inappropriate behaviour at work, to the lack of motivation to study and improve themselves, in order to rise professionally and, as a result, in financial terms too. We also see people who enjoy being poor, because they believe this is noble and spiritual, because they feel detached from everything that is material and comfortable. And finally, we notice those who are frankly hostile to money, in complex relationships of love and hate with financial resources, either declaring themselves against the current political and economical system, or giving rise to serious compulsive disorders related to shopping, being indefinitely in debt.

(BTA) – Interesting what you just said about compulsion to shopping, saying that people hate money…

(SE) – And it is so much so, that they refuse to think of it. They are usually personalities of strong infantile trait, who believe the world and people must meet all their whims, regardless of “boring conventions”, such as credit limit, budget, etc. For their narcissistic psychologies, the universe should move around to fulfil all their fantasies, and, megalomaniacs, they think they’re above any convention, right or social duty, therefore turning a blind eye to debts, because these do not add any value to them, since they do not fit their neurotic scheme of grandeur, until one day the castle of illusions collapses, simply by becoming untenable.

(BTA) – Impressive… Anything else you may find important to explain about richness?…

(SE) – Good that you use this term: richness. Today, field analysts, in the physical plane itself, make a very interesting revelation about it: those who dedicate themselves to activities they enjoy – read it: those who live the ideals of their souls – end up by having 50 times greater chances of getting rich (of becoming “millionaires”, in your words) than those who dedicate themselves to jobs that do not please them.

Besides being more ethical, spiritual and decent to do what one likes (to do what one does not love, only for the money, would it not be something equivalent to prostitution?), also in the sense merely objective, of probabilities of success and professional rise, to meet innate vocations is essential.

And if we still consider all implications of working unwillingly, in health (physical, emotional and mental), in personal, familial and social wellbeing, we will reach the conclusion that it is almost suicide not to follow the voice of vocation. Furthermore, the very etymological origin of the word vocation, already manifests being a voice (the root of the word is the Latin term: “vox”, which means voice), the Voice of God within every human being. Therefore, not to follow your own vocational intuitions is something sacrilegious, is to run away the divine will in your respect.

(BTA) – But it is not as simple as that, isn’t Eugênia? There are people who really have no conditions to live their ideal.

(SE) – Yes, indeed. I am presenting an ideal proposal, so that everyone can accomplish it, as much as possible, within the context of their existence, even in the sense of creating the possibility of achieving it, slowly, with serene and intelligent work. There is dignity, and even praise, in sacrificing  yourself in a tedious job, in order to provide the education and upbringing of your children. There is merit in postponing the realization of a dream in order to not fail with responsibilities and commitments made to others. But, may no one lose sight of their soul, their essence, their life. One can dedicate their leisure time to his vocation. Another may create a parallel professional activity, to apply himself to the ideal. That other one will be able to swerve, replacing his breadwinning profession, for the one of his heart. These three examples may indicate a sequence of a strategic unfolding of the professional life, according to the highest spiritual goal, or they may represent the possible level of realization of a dream, in accordance with the karmic pattern of each one. Only the consciousness and the effort of each individual will tell when it is either one or the other: that is – being prepared for a higher jump or to realize that one has reached the limit of the viable and having to stay with the palliative circumstance, just like having the spare time available or the need to live both professions at the same time.

(BTA) – Eugênia, would you have anything else to say about the subject?

(SE) – No, but may everyone see their lives according to happiness, to objectives that generate in them personal wellbeing, such as being with family and friends, living a philanthropic project or giving their lives to a humanitarian cause. May no one be ever corrupted by making their existence, their time and their soul to gravitate around this unholy god, this devouring demon of all lives, which nevertheless, is just that: a “daimon” (greek term, from where the word demon comes from), a “spirit” that can be good or bad, according to what it incite in the life of everyone, by the application that each one gives to it.

 (Mediumistic dialogue held on April 10, 2003.)

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